Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication

Empowering Refugee Women in Lebanon and Developing Their Skills

Fear, anxiety, despair, severe poverty, uncertain future... all these expressions describe the circumstances in Lebanon today. Refugees, as Lebanese, are all passing through hard and deteriorating living conditions. In fact, refugees left their countries in search of a better and safer life, but today they are facing many difficulties at various economic, social and health levels...

Since its establishment, the Middle East Council of Churches is keen to help the refugees, taking care of them and preserving their dignity.

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Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication

Home Caretaker Training in Damascus

The Middle East Council of Churches conducted “Home Caretaker” course in Damascus, Syria, in cooperation with IECD - European Institute for Cooperation and Development.

The course lasted for 32 days at the IECD headquarters and included practical training for 19 trainees in “Dar Al Saada”, which is an elderly care home, in Damascus.

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Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication

Al Rahma Home for Elderly in Aleppo is Back to Life

Rehabilitation work at Al Rahma Home for Elderly in Aleppo has ended and life has been back to it once again. This process came within the “Restoration of Faith –Based Social Services and Religious Infrastructure that were affected by the Syrian crisis” program, which is implemented by the Middle East Council of Churches and Kerk in Actie in Netherlands, in various Syrian governorates.

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Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication

El MECC contribuye al tratamiento de la depresión de los adolescentes

Es cierto que la agudización de las crisis económicas, sociales y sanitarias que afligen a Oriente Medio está agobiando a los ciudadanos. Pero, ¿saben lo difícil que es el impacto psicológico de estas crisis en los grupos más afectados? ¿Se da cuenta de la ansiedad que sienten los adolescentes en esta delicada etapa de sus vidas?

De hecho, los adolescentes de hoy en día, especialmente en las sociedades orientales, están sufriendo varios trastornos vitales, que se manifiestan con el desplazamiento, el aislamiento social y el retraso en la educación entre ellos, lo que les empuja a vivir en una severa depresión y desesperación.

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Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication

MECC Contributing in the Treatment of Adolescent Depression

It is true that the deepening economic, social and health crises that are afflicting the Middle East are overwhelming the citizens. But do you know how difficult is the psychological impact of these crises on the most affected groups? Do you realize how anxious teenagers are becoming at this delicate stage of their lives?

In fact, teenagers today, especially in Eastern societies, are suffering from several life upheavals, manifested with the displacement, social isolation and delay in education among them, which push them live in severe depression and despair.

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Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication

Supporting Activities for Refugee Children in Lebanon

Refugee families in Lebanon are suffering today, as all Lebanese citizens, from severe economic, social, health and security crises that are escalating daily. As for the children of these families, they became victims of the deteriorating living conditions in the country. Their childhood has been stolen and even their right to go to school, but what about their mental health?

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Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication

Terminación de las obras de restauración del Monasterio de San Jorge en Muhardeh

En el marco del programa «Restauración de los servicios sociales basados en la fe y de las infraestructuras religiosas afectadas por la crisis siria», puesto en marcha por el Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio en cooperación con Kerk in Actie de los Países Bajos, en varias provincias sirias, se han completado las obras de rehabilitación del Monasterio de San Jorge.

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Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication

¡Detengamos la violencia contra las mujeres!

Durante décadas y a través de generaciones, las sociedades de todo el mundo han sufrido la violencia doméstica, especialmente contra las mujeres, ya sean esposas, madres o hijas. A pesar de todos los esfuerzos oficiales y voluntarios que realizan las ONG, la violencia sigue siendo un problema social y humanitario a nivel mundial.

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Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication

End of Restoration Work at St. George Monastery in Muhardeh

Within the “Restoration of Faith Based Social Services and Religious Infrastructure that were affected by the Syrian crisis” program that is launched by the Middle East Council of Churches in cooperation with Kerk in Actie in Netherlands, in various Syrian governorates, the rehabilitation work is now completed in St. George Monastery.

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Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication

Let Us Stop Violence Against Women!

For decades and through generations, societies around the world have suffered from domestic violence, especially against women, whether they are wives, mothers or daughters. Despite all official and voluntary efforts that NGOs are doing, violence is still a worldwide social and humanitarian problem.

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Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Diakonia, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Diakonia, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

How Do We Create a Project Budget?

Training to Improve the Capabilities of the MECC Team

Developing the working group performance in any institution or organization contributes the most in enhancing the work mechanisms and improving the productivity. The Middle East Council of Churches is keen to organize periodic training courses for its department’s teams aiming at developing their skills in various fields in order to achieve the desired Ecumenical and humanitarian goals.

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Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication

Promoting the Well-Being and Resilience of Children in Facing Difficulties

Children today are growing up in an environment that may negatively affect their daily life and behavior. What is the reason? Rather, the reasons are many, and cannot be limited to a specific field or level that could be related to security, social environment, economy or health sector... But most important is to accompany and support them in overcoming everything that could hinder their growth and rob them of their childhood.

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Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication

Following its restoration, when St. Elias Elderly Center in Aleppo Governorate Will Return Back to Life?

The restoration of St. Elias center for elderly was completed. The Care Home was rehabilitated by MECC in cooperation with Kerk in Actie organization in Netherlands within the rehabilitation program that works on the restoration of social and religious establishments affected by Syrian crisis.

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Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication

Sewing Vocational Training in South Lebanon

The Middle East Council of Churches peruses its support to women who are facing many daily burdens and pressures due to the difficult living conditions in Lebanon through various vocational training sessions. Thus, the Service and Relief Department – Diakonia, Beirut office, implemented a sewing training program, at the Hebbaryeh municipality in South Lebanon.

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Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication

Annual Meeting of the ACT Alliance Lebanon Forum Hosted by MECC

The ACT Alliance Lebanon Forum held its annual meeting at the Middle East Council of Churches General Secretariat’s headquarters in Beirut on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, in the presence of the ACT Regional Representative – MENA Rachel Luce and the Regional Humanitarian Program Advisor – MENA George Majaj.

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Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication

Empowering Women Through Health Awareness Sessions

The Service and Relief Department - Diakonia, Beirut office at the Middle East Council of Churches, implemented many health awareness sessions for a group of women in Our Lady Dispensary, affiliated to MECC and located in Sabtiyeh – Lebanon. The sessions aimed at empowering them and developing their capabilities.

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Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication

Activities that Make Children Happy at Our Lady Dispensary

Amidst the daily pressures and tense atmosphere in Lebanon and the Middle East, which are negatively affecting children’s lives, the Middle East Council of Churches continues to support this category, which has always been sensitive to the different problems and crises.

Therefore, the Service and Relief Department - Diakonia, Beirut office, has recently organized sessions aiming at enhencing the well-being of children and supporting them in restoring their mental health, especially since crippling anxiety has affected their usual activity.

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Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Diakonia Communication & PR Department Communication

Health Facilities Rehabilitation in Six Syrian Schools

Stemming from the importance of providing a healthy school environment for students and due to the negative effects of inappropriate WASH facilities, both physically and psychologically, on students, which may cause them to hate or dropout of school; MECC rehabilitated the WASH facilities in six schools in Aleppo, Homs and Rural Damascus Governorates.

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