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A Special Episode of the Program "From Misery to Healing" with His Grace Bishop Antonios

On the occasion of the Blessed Season of Lent, His Grace Anba Antonios, Metropolitan of Jerusalem and the Near East for the Coptic Orthodox Church, and President of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) for the Eastern Orthodox Family, was the guest of the Journalist Lea Adel Maamary, the Media Officer, the Coordinator of the Church and Media Relations, and the Director of the Platform of the Word at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), in an episode of the program "From Misery to Healing."

The episode focused on the meanings of Lent and its dimensions in our lives today, as well as the traditions of the Coptic Orthodox Church during this Holy Season.

The episode is produced by the Platform of the Word at MECC and will soon be broadcasted on Télé Lumière and Noursat TV Channel, and the MECC platform.

In addition to recording the episode, the MECC team met with His Grace, seeking his paternal blessing and listening to his Pastoral guidance.

Noting that His Grace is visiting Lebanon, where he participates in many Prayers and meetings.

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The Middle East Council of Churches Congratulates His Beatitude Patriarch Kyrios Kyrios Theophilos III

On the Occasion of the Commemoration of His Patron Saint, Saint Theophilos

On the occasion of the Commemoration of Saint Theophilos, the Patron Saint of His Beatitude Patriarch Kyrios Kyrios Theophilos III, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All Palestine, the Secretary General Professor Michel Abs, extends, in the name of the MECC family, his heartfelt congratulations to His Beatitude, asking God to grant him blessings and strength in his many givings in the field of the Lord.

The Middle East Council of Churches also wishes His Beatitude continued health and success in his Pastoral mission and faithful service to the Church of Christ.

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On the International Human Rights Day... We ask, Where is humanity?

Exclusive: Media of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC)

With the escalation of wars and conflicts across the globe, and the worsening phenomenon of violence and violations from every direction, where are people today? Are there any ears that listen to their suffering? Are there serious initiatives to preserve their rights that have been taken away from them?

These are legitimate questions, and the answers may remain unknown amidst the absence of some practical and international steps as a result of the ongoing conflicts that cast their shadows across the region and the world. Humanity is at stake, and human dignity is breathing its last gasps.

Hence, the International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims, proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly on March 24, 2010, is a day that truly rings an alarm bell, especially as the number of victims of wars and conflicts continues to rise, searching for a justice awaited by their families as a beacon of hope amidst the tragedies surrounding them.

Based on the aforementioned considerations provided by the United Nations, the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) follows up on all humanitarian issues, having always defending them, striving to be a resounding voice in the wilderness. The Council also continues its efforts to preserve human dignity and rights, and serve people with dignity through the roundtables it organizes and the prominent materials it presents via its media platforms, in addition to the social and relief programs it implements to heal the wounds of the neediest and destitute people.

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An Episode Within the Program "From Misery to Healing" with Reverend Dr. Hadi Ghantous on Télé Lumière and Noursat

Watch on Télé Lumière and Noursat an episode within the program "From Misery to Healing," produced by the Platform of the Word at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), with Reverend Dr. Hadi Ghantous, the Secretary of the Ecclesial and Spiritual Affairs Committee in the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon, on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 12:30 pm Beirut time.

He is interviewed by the Journalist Lea Adel Maamary, the Media Officer, the Coordinator of the Church and Media Relations, and the Director of the Platform of the Word at the Middle East Council of Churches.

The episode focuses on the meanings of Lent and this journey in the Evangelical Church.

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The MECC Secretary-General Professor Michel Abs’ Speech at the Press Conference

Launching the "Face of Mary" Symposium

Professor Michel Abs

Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC)

Welcome to Minbar Al Kalima (Platform of the Word), this heaven of dialogue launched by the Middle East Council of Churches months ago, from which we will be TV broadcasting starting Easter Monday, supported by Tele Lumiere-Noursat.

Welcome on the day of Saint Joseph, this greatest silent figure and distinctive symbol in the historical Christian scene.

Today, we gather, spiritual leaders, media representatives, and ecumenical bodies, to announce a joint symposium between the MECC and the Episcopal Committee for the Christian-Muslim Dialogue of the Assembly of the Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops of Lebanon, next Tuesday, March 25th, at the Syriac Catholic Church of the Annunciation in the Museum area, at 1:00 PM.

This symposium, titled "The Face of Mary", will feature interventions by women from the intellectual and developmental spheres, each with extensive experience in her field. I say women, as we wanted the interventions to be exclusively by women. Each will address Mary from her intellectual perspective and faith background, speaking to the people to say that society unites through women—a unity embodied in the face of Mary, who has garnered consensus across religions and the world, and after whom girls, shrines, churches, and monasteries are named…

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Mothers Chose to Store Up for Themselves Treasures in Heaven

Saint Mothers Followed the Path of Truth, Who Are They?

Exclusive: Media of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC)

She carries in her name the entire mystery of the plan of Salvation. She is the Mother of God, the Mother of Jesus and the entire universe. She is the one who carried in her life patience, sacrifice, tenderness, and security. The Virgin Mary endured hardships and difficulties, and through her path crowned with holiness, became a source of grace and hope. She is the Queen of Peace, distinguished by her obedience and submission to the will of the Lord with humility and faith. She is the ideal mother, a symbol of devotion and support.

The Virgin Mary remains the most sacred example for many mothers who today work diligently and silently with love to provide support for their families and embody their faith in word and deed by raising their children and protecting them from the dangers and pitfalls of life.

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Professor Michel Abs, Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches:

The Palestinian cause is a humanitarian cause par excellence, and the idea of ​​displacing the population of the Gaza Strip is unacceptable

Interview By Ala’a Youssef - Al Shourouk Newspaper

Click Here to Read the Interview in Arabic.

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Video - From Misery to Healing

An Episode with Father Kamel Kamel

From the Platform of the Word at MECC

In this episode, Father Kamel Kamel, a Priest in the Maronite Diocese of Tripoli, talks about the meanings of Lent.

"From Misery to Healing" is prepared and presented by the Journalist Lea Adel Maamary, the Media Officer, the Coordinator of the Church and Media Relations, and the Director of the Platform of the Word at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC).

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The Middle East: Just A Real Estate

Project for those in Power?

Middle East Socioeconomic Overview

Report: February 2025

Over the centuries the Middle East seemed to be one giant chess board in which powerful world players clash and every time power shifts in the region the board itself changes. As a result, we have observed map reshuffles such as Sykes–Picot which have created the current region we live in. Today, we are observing somewhat of a repetition of History. What’s more, the Middle East is now being looked at one real estate project that aims to displace millions of people just to quench to thirst of the egos of world leaders.

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