16 Days of Activism: highlighting the unique struggles of Palestinian women in war and under occupation
An Article By Mrs. Hana Kirreh, Wi’am
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is a global campaign that runs annually from November 25 to December 10, aiming to raise awareness about violence against women and girls. However, in the context of Palestine, this campaign takes on a particular urgency and significance, given the deeply entrenched political, social, and humanitarian challenges faced by Palestinian women, especially those living under occupation in Gaza and the West Bank.
Palestinian women have been subjected to a wide range of gender-based violence for decades. This violence comes not only from patriarchal societal structures, but also because of the ongoing [Israeli] occupation, military aggression, and systemic oppression.
Palestinian women are experiencing a unique form of gender-based violence imposed by the [Israeli] occupation in Gaza during the ongoing war. In addition to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, women in the West Bank are subject to the occupation. They face military raids, settler violence, arbitrary arrests, home demolitions, and closures, which creates a climate of fear and uncertainty. This state-sponsored violence is often compounded by patriarchal systems within Palestinian society, which can make it difficult for women to speak out or seek support. The expansion of [Israeli] settlements and the frequent clashes between [Israeli] soldiers and Palestinian protesters further endanger the lives of women and girls…
The Future of Christianity in the Middle East
An Article by His Eminence Bishop Dr. Munib A. Younan, MECC Honorary President
His Eminence Bishop Dr. Munib A. Younan, Honorary President of the Middle East Council of Churches, participated as a speaker at a symposium on Christians in the Middle East, on Monday 12 June 2023, at the Tapiola Church, Espoo, Finland.
During the symposium, His Eminence delivered a speech via an article he wrote under the title "The Future of Christianity in the Middle East", in which he spoke about the role of Arab Palestinian Christians, highlighting the reasons of Christians’ emigration in addition to the challenges they face and how to support them in light of the situations they are passing through.
Below you can find the full article.
The Coptic Church in the Old Testament
An Article in Arabic by Dr. Gergis Saleh, MECC Honorary Secretary General
As part of highlighting the Holy Family's journey to Egypt, you can find an article entitled “The Coptic Church in the Old Testament”, written by Dr. Gergis Saleh, Honorary Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches, in which he explains who the Copts are, talking about how Egypt was mentioned in the Bible, in addition to some of the prophecies from the Coptic Church in the Old Testament. Hence, Dr. Saleh presents in his article a historical overview of the path of the Holy Family and its entry into the land of Egypt.
You can find the full article in Arabic.
ܣܝܦܐ On the eve of 15th June 2023, the 108th anniversary of the Syriac Genocide #SAYFO1915 ܣܝܦܐ1915 (Copy)
we recall, remember and pray-God hear our prayers
Article by Dr Theodora ܬܐܘܕܘܪܐ Issa ܥܝܣܐ SFHEA, FAIM
Doctor of Philosophy in Management (Ethical Mindsets), Author, Academic, Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy at Advance HE, Fellow of Australian Institute of Management, Alumna of UWA, Murdoch, and Curtin Universities
Source: https://shorturl.at/buwKZ
Usually, huge commemorations and remembrance for anniversaries would be always saved for the anniversaries with rounded numbers such as 25, 50, 60, 75, and 100. However, for this specific sad event in the history of our beloved Church needs to be commemorated in an honorable manner always and more specifically on each anniversary as these events need to be glued not only to our minds and hearts, but to the minds and hearts of our new and future generations.
The New Year 2023 Would Hearts Change, Justice Achieved, and Peace Prevail?
His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Mar Louis Raphaël Sako, Chaldean Patriarch of Iraq and the World
Three days left from year 2022, we carried the heavy burden of its events and tragedies: including the “raging” war in Ukraine and its consequences on the global economy; conflicts in many regions, including Iraq, where a state of instability and fragility prevails; and the “extremely” corrupted people in power, who damaged the national economy, pushing people to poverty.
Above all this, the ideology of extremist “takfiri” keep spreading hatred and eliminates others, threatening stability and displacing innocent citizens. All these practices are obviously wrong because they intersect with human and religious values.
We are getting ready to welcome the new year 2023, which gives us a reason for hope.
Why ‘Persecuted’ Is Not the Best Way to Describe Christians in the Gulf
While restrictions on religion remain, most Arab nations pass the tolerance test enough for Christian ministry to continue.
Hrayr Jebejian
In November, officials in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) made a surprise announcement. Discovered among the white-hot sand dunes of Siniyah Island were the ruins of a 1,400-year-old Christian monastery, likely predating the rise of Islam.
Historians say that as Islam grew in influence in the seventh century, conversions to the new religion created what became the Arabian Peninsula of today. Tracing their lineage back centuries, Saudis, Emiratis, Qataris, Bahrainis, Omanis, and Yemenis today uniformly follow the creed of Muhammad.
The ancient monastery, however novel, is a relic of the past.
Words Insulting Human Dignity Must be Excluded from liturgy
His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Mar Louis Raphael Sako, Chaldean Patriarch in Iraq and the World
Faith is an inner feeling. The foundation of human personal growth socially and spiritually, is to feel the warmth of God’s presence in the heart, to feel His love and mercy for humankind, as reflected by Jesus in the Gospel. Therefore, it is not necessary to prove God’s presence by relying on philosophical arguments, but rather to express it with daily behavior that leads to Him.
In a conversation between Philip and Nathanael (John 1/ 45 – 46) about Jesus, Philip replied, ‘We have found Him…Come and see”, I mean come and test by yourself, then led him to Jesus (the only way to connect mankind with God). This verse confirms that religion is based on faith, which is an experience and practice more than theories, proofs and speeches.
Churches: Unity and Diversity
His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Mar Louis Raphael Sako, Chaldean Patriarch in Iraq and the World
Unity in Core, Diversity in Form
Churches were established in an environment of diverse cultures, languages, different traditions and geography, yet united by one faith in essence.
Unity is not a formal human assembly, nor a system in the form of parliament. Moreover, it doesn’t mean to dissolve private identities and cast them into one pattern (uniformity). Unity means rather to preserve the one common faith, respect the leadership of each Church, its tradition, liturgy, nationality and its language. Unity means that the Churches communicate with each other, cooperate and join hands in harmony.
August 7, 2014... an indelible date in the modern history of Iraq
By Munir Bayouk/ en.abouna.org:
August 7, 2014 was a bleak day for the Christian Iraqis. It was a day when the chains of evil broke loose with sinister outcome driving thousands of people out of their homes--a matter unfamiliar in modern time--as well as causing a loss of life or rather leading to a doomed future. It was a day when evil unleashed its venom on humanity which tarnished the region with endless violence and despair whose prints are evident until this very moment.
This day marked the forcible displacement of Christian Iraqis from Mosul and Nineveh Plain which was an unprecedented act and hard to imagine. This very event should serve as a motive to deal with its ramifications and ensure that it will not be repeated.
The Paraklesis: Supplication Prayer to the Mother of God
The Paraklesis: Supplication Prayer to the Mother of God
The Greek word Paraclesis Παράκλησις derives from παρακαλῶ.
It means to request, beg, or plead. It is to ask for help and solace.
From Koine Greek παρακαλῶ (parakalô, “invite”) contracted form of Ancient Greek παρακαλέω (parakaléō).
παρα- (para-) + καλώ (kaló, “call”).
The prefix παρα (up; beyond; beside; before)
The verb καλεώ: to call
To Thee O Virgin, Mother of God, we pour a flowing word, intercede for us.
Blessing of Holy Muron in Antelias
By DN. Daron Halajian
Since the fourth century the Armenian Apostolic Church has celebrated the blessing of the Holy Muron, which embodies the material presence of the Holy Spirit within our Church. This holy oil is consecrated once every seven years and serves various sacramental functions. During the liturgical service, Muron from the previous consecration is mixed with the new, forming an unbreakable generational linkage that dates back to the time of St. Gregory the Illuminator.
Following this tradition, a rich liturgical proceeding commenced before the St. Gregory Illuminator Cathedral in Antelias, Lebanon on Friday July, 1, 2022. Faithful Armenians from all over the world made the pilgrimage to be present for the special occasion. The Catholicos of the Armenian Church, Holy See of Cilicia, His Holiness Aram I presided over the enchanting ceremony and was accompanied by Syriac Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II, as well as several bishops from the Cilician Brotherhood.
Etape renouvelée pour les Eglises du Moyen-Orient
Le courage de la vérité,
du témoignage et du patrimoine séculaire
Ecrit par Professeur Antoine Messarra, Chaire Unesco-USJ, Liban
Cet article a été publié sur le site web de “L’Orient Le Jour”
La 12e Assemblée générale du Conseil des Eglises du Moyen-Orient (MECC-CEMO), tenue au Centre papal Anba Bishop à Wadi el-Natrun en Egypte, les 16-20 mai 2022, avec la participation de plus de cent des plus hauts représentants de toutes les églises du Moyen-Orient, constitue une étape renouvelée pour le Conseil dont la fondation remonte à 1974. La 12e Assemblée, organisée par le secrétaire général, Dr. Michel Abs et l’équipe du CEMO, offre en effet un panorama global de la situation régionale actuelle et détermine les grandes priorités d’avenir.
Syriac Catholic Patriarch: ‘We Keep Going on in Hope’
By Doreen Abi Raad
For Syriac Catholic Patriarch of Antioch and all the East Ignatius Joseph III Younan, the exodus of Christians from the Middle East continues to be a grave concern.
The Christian population in Syria has dwindled due to the conflict, starting almost 12 years ago. In Iraq, more than 100,000 Christians, mostly Syriac Catholics, were uprooted from ancestral homes in Mosul and the Nineveh Plain in the summer of 2014.
By Mrs. Frieda Haddad Abs
The whole meaning of the spiritual dimension of the city of Jerusalem is summarized in a nutshell in the words of the prophet Isaiah: “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem… the gloom will not be upon her who is distressed… The people who waked in darkness have seen a great light.” (Isaiah 40 :1 and 9 :1,2)
His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III: “Christians Are Under Threat in the Cradle of their Faith”
His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem wrote the following article for The Times newspaper, on Sunday, January 8, 2022.
Having served as a priest in the northeast of England many years ago, I remember the cloudy days of January. Here in Jerusalem, while we enjoy a brighter and warmer climate, we know what it is to live in the darkness. As Patriarch of Jerusalem I have the privilege of leading the Greek Orthodox church in the Holy Land.
2022: Will you be a year of peace and prosperity?
By Munir Bayouk/ en.abouna.org:
On December 31, the world will turn a new leaf. It is a new year engulfed with hopes and prayers for days to come that restore peace to humanity and ensure the peoples of the Middle East the emergence of lights of hope that relieve people of their suffering. The world needs genuine peace brought about by the Prince of Peace, Lord Jesus Christ. Once divine peace prevails, then all obstacles standing in the way towards progress and prosperity will definitely be eliminate.
How Do We Make the Christmas Liturgy Fruitful?
His Beatitude Patriarch of Babylon for the Chaldeans Cardinal Mar Louis Raphael Sako
I will be sharing the following ideas with the Chaldean Bishops and Priests in Iraq, who will have their annual spiritual and cultural meeting on 6-8 December 2021, in preparation for Christmas Celebration, wishing to help them thinking and enriching their group discussions during the meeting. I also hope to benefit our priests abroad, while getting ready for their celebration as well.
The Advent Season is a time of anticipation to get Lord Jesus into our hearts
By Munir Bayouk/ en.abouna.org:
The Holy Bible makes several references relevant to the birth of Lord Jesus. Among the most outstanding verses is, "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)
The Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch: History in the making
By Dr Theodora Issa
In response to the call by His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, the Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church, and despite the restrictions imposed by COVID-19 and its variants, the Syriac Orthodox Community worldwide answered the call, and have been learning more about this great saint and poet through holding online sessions, translating his poems into different languages, airing television programs, publishing books, brochures and booklets, and producing YouTube videos on the life of this saint.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Bethlehem
By Mohammad Al-Kassim, Jordan News
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — Christmas spirit is back in the Palestinian city of Bethlehem. Around 15,000 people, mostly Palestinians braving the cold weather, helped light up a giant Christmas tree outside Church of the Nativity on Saturday, hoping that the new COVID-19 variant doesn’t ruin another holiday season in the traditional birthplace of Jesus.