The Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees “DSPR” of the Middle East Council of Churches “MECC” started in 1948 as an ad-hoc ecumenical group with international and local spirited clergy, and secular people to tend to the trauma of over 726,000 Palestinian refugees from the first Arab-Israeli war.
DSPR eventually evolved into five Area Committees, each situated in Jerusalem and West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon, Galilee and the Gaza Strip. They are coordinated through a Central Office that is located in East Jerusalem since 1997. DSPR was initially registered in Cyprus in 1970, where members met regularly from all over the region, and became part of the MECC which was established in 1974.
Por Damaris Dilling
El próximo domingo 22 de enero, Sally Azar será ordenada Pastor de la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en Jordania y Tierra Santa, lo que la convertirá en la primera mujer Pastor de Palestina. En 2006, la Iglesia Evangélica había sentado las bases para ello al decidir que las mujeres también podían ser ordenadas.
Llegué a la iglesia alemana del Redentor, en la Ciudad Vieja de Jerusalén, donde he quedado con Sally para una entrevista, y puedo sentir literalmente el ajetreo y el ambiente especial inherentes a los días previos a la significativa ceremonia. Un periodista de la cadena de televisión alemana ARD toma algunas fotos de Sally y su padre, el obispo Sani Ibrahim Azar. Hay que ultimar la liturgia del domingo, los primeros invitados de Alemania ya han llegado y quieren tener unas palabras con Sally. Tras una breve charla con el obispo Azar, Sally me lleva a la cafetería de la iglesia. Pedimos dos capuchinos grandes y nos sentamos en un rincón tranquilo del patio abierto del antiguo santuario. A pesar de la tensión, Sally parece relajada, espera mi intervención y se toma su tiempo para responder a mis preguntas.
By Damaris Dilling,
Next Sunday, 22 January, Ms Sally Azar will be ordained as a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, making her the first female pastor in Palestine. In 2006, the Evangelical Church had laid the foundation for this by deciding that women could also be ordained.
I arrive at the German Redeemer Church in the Old City of Jerusalem, where I have arranged to meet Sally for an interview and can literally feel the hustle and bustle and the special atmosphere inherent in the days before the significant ceremony. A journalist from the German television channel ARD is taking a few photos of Sally and her father, Bishop Sani Ibrahim Azar. The liturgy for Sunday needs to be finalized, the first guests from Germany have already arrived and want to have a few words with Sally. After a brief chat with Bishop Azar, Sally takes me to the church café. We order two large cappuccinos and sit down in a quiet corner of the open courtyard of the old sanctuary. Despite the tension, Sally seems relaxed and looks forward to my interruption and takes time to answer my questions.
We wish you a blessed Advent season. It is a special time, especially in the Holy Land, as it leaves politics and violence behind for a while and makes way for the celebration of the arrival of our Saviour Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. As Christians in the Holy Land, we hold fast to our sacred traditions every year. For us as Palestinian communities, preserving the sacred significance of the many sites and traditions in the region takes precedence over conflicts.
Jerusalem is not only significant for Palestinian Christians and Christians around the world this Christmas season, but also the international home of people of many religious confessions. In the Christian Quarter in Jerusalem's Old City, a Christmas tree is traditionally lit every year in the first week of Advent, marking the beginning of the Christmas season here.
Beirut, November 29, 2022
The Executive Committee of the Middle East Council of Churches held a face-to-face meeting, for the first time after the end of the Corona pandemic, on Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 November 2022 at the Monastery of Notre-Dame du Puits in Bkennaya, Lebanon. The meeting was chaired by His Eminence Anba Anthonios, Metropolitan of Jerusalem and the Near East for the Coptic Orthodox and the President of the MECC for the Eastern Orthodox Family, His Beatitude Patriarch John X, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, and the President of the MECC for the Orthodox Family, represented by His Eminence Metropolitan Saba Esber, Metropolitan of Busra Houran and Jabal Al-Arab, His Eminence Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, President of the Federation of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East and President of the MECC for the Evangelical Family, His Beatitude Patriarch Raphael Bedros XXI Minassian, Catholicos of the House of Cilicia for the Armenian Catholics and President of the MECC for the Catholic Family, with the participation of members of the Executive Committee from Lebanon Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan and Cyprus, representing 21 churches of the Middle East, the Secretary-General of the MECC Dr. Michel Abs, the two Associate General Secretaries Reverend Refaat Fikry and Father Nicolas Bustros, the Executive Secretary of the Association of Theology Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME), Reverend Michael Kanbar, in addition to the General Secretariat team of department directors and administrators.
Together Building Bridges and Restoring Hope
The Middle East Council of Churches held its annual meeting with representatives of its partner organizations and institutions, in addition to a series of activities it implemented with them, between 2 and 5 November 2022. The video presents the point of views and aspirations of some of the MECC partners participating in the meeting. It is prepared and produced by the MECC Communication and Public Relations Department.
MECC Meets with Its International and Regional Partners
The Middle East Council of Churches met with its international and regional partners as part of a series of activities and meetings in Lebanon between 2 and 5 November 2022. What did the meetings include? And what did the attendees discuss? The video presents a brief overview of these meetings, activities, and the most important discussed topics. It is prepared and produced by the MECC Communication and Public Relations Department.
Towards Continuous Cooperation and a More Sustainable Role in the Region
Under the title “Partners Accompanying MECC in the Ecumenical Journey”, the Middle East Council of Churches’ General Secretariat resumed its annual meeting with the MECC partners from international and regional organizations and institutions, on its second day, Friday 4 November 2022, in Beirut.
Attendees were representatives of these partner organizations and institutions from all over the world such as USA, Canada, Europe and the Middle East… They exchanged views and experiences with the participation of the MECC team and the departments’ directors, headed by the Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs, along with the MECC Associate Secretaries General, and members of the Executive Committee.
It is October. The days are getting shorter and cooler. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is also being launched in the Palestinian Territories to raise public awareness of the issue and to offer screening services. With a grand opening ceremony in Ramallah, the Auguste Victoria Hospital, on whose compound the Central Office is located, together with the Mariam Foundation and the Palestine Museum, kicked off this month by turning the sky pink. A digital mammography clinic at the hospital will be through Palestine all month for early detection of breast cancer with the "Your Checkup - Your Life" awareness campaign, conducting mammography examinations and check-ups.
The last week has begun in a special way in Jerusalem. A festive procession of priests, monks, nuns and people young and old filled the streets of Jerusalem's Old City, joyfully singing and dancing and waving basil branches as they brought the icon of Mary from her tomb at Gethsemane to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The Christian quarter of the Old City was lovingly decorated with lots of greenery. His Eminence the Archbishop Dorotheos of Avela - from the Greek Orthodox Church - carried the icon of Mary in front of his chest all the way from Gethsemane to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
It is beautiful to see important cultural rituals and traditions being carried out in a dwindling Palestinian Christianity, allowing the rising generations to integrate them into their lives and preserve their Christian identity. Apart from the religious significance, these special celebrations far away from the hardships of everyday life are also important to find new energy for life again. Mary, who grew up in simple circumstances, knew flight and rejection, as well as prejudice and hostility.
The General Secretariat of the Middle East Council of Churches issues its annual report for the year 2021 under the title of "Against Wind and Waves: Challenging the Challenges". The report presents the MECC activities and the achievements it has accomplished at various ecumenical, theological and humanitarian levels.
Noting that international challenges and fluctuations occurred during 2021 and cast their shadows on the wounded Middle East, which was affected by the repercussions of these global and regional developments.
Standing Together Towards a More Sustainable Partnership
The General Secretariat of the Middle East Council of Churches held its annual meeting with its international and regional partner organizations and institutions, online, on Thursday, March 24, 2022. The meeting aimed at exchanging point of views and experiences in order to develop the MECC role and to ameliorate the work mechanisms in order to achieve the desired goals, and work together for a more effective future partnership.
Many thanks to H.H Pope Tawadros II for hosting the next General Assembly
We must work together to contain the post-Coronavirus poverty, unemployment and crises
On Friday, February 11, 2022, the Executive Committee of the Middle East Council of Churches held an online meeting in compliance with the ongoing preventive measures during the Corona pandemic. Members of the Committee from Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Cyprus, and Lebanon attended the meeting.
The meeting was presided by the heads of the Church families of the Council: President of the Council for the Eastern Orthodox family His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, President of the Council for the Greek Orthodox family His Beatitude Patriarch John X, President of the Council for the Catholic family His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Mar Louis Raphael Sako, President of the Council for the Evangelical family Reverend Dr. Habib Badr. Other participants were members of the Executive Committee, the General Secretariat team, and the invitees of Secretary General Dr. Michel E. Abs.
El impacto de Covid-19 en los medios de subsistencia y los ingresos ha sido muy duro, un estudio realizado recientemente por la OMS muestra que sólo el 55% de los hogares en Gaza fueron capaces de comprar alimentos esenciales en los últimos 7 días. Además, el 40% de los jóvenes de Gaza señalaron que habían pasado hambre en el último mes. Asimismo, el acceso a los servicios sanitarios se ha visto aún más restringido.
The impact of Covid-19 on livelihoods and income was harsh, a recently conducted study by WHO shows that only 55% of HHs in Gaza were able to buy essential food items in last 7 days. Moreover, 40 % of young people in Gaza noted that they had experienced hunger in the past month. Also, access to health services has been further restricted; 23% of the respondents in noted that they had not been able to see a healthcare provider because of the pandemic.
The Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR)
The Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR) issued its annual report for the year 2020, a year which saw many difficulties and challenges that cast a shadow over the Middle East, and plunged its population into many crises with no end. Unfortunately, Palestinian refugees, just like everyone, also have to face it.
Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs:
In our Churches and subsequently at MECC, we resist with love and with constructive deeds
On Thursday May 20, 2021, the Middle East Council of Churches’ Department of Service for Palestinian Refugees held an online meeting via Zoom with its partners from international and regional organizations and institutions, during which the Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs addressed a speech to the attendees renewing the MECC support to the wounded and persecuted Palestinians.
The “Restoration Fund for rehabilitation of faith-based social services & religious infrastructure damaged during the crisis in Syria” program was launched by the Middle East Council of Churches with the support of the international humanitarian organization Kerk in Actie.
"This department is a space for Christian service and love in a world of persecution and hatred"
On Friday May 14, 2021, the Middle East Council of Churches’ Department of Service for Palestinian Refugees Executive Committee held its regular meeting online via Zoom. The Secretary General of the Council Dr. Michel Abs addressed the committee, saying: " This department is a space for Christian service and love in a world of persecution and hatred."
MECC General Secretariat held its annual meeting today on 14th April 2021 with international and regional partner organizations and institutions on Zoom to discuss different opinions and share knowledge in order to develop the role of the council and improve work mechanism and cooperation in future projects.
As a follow-up to the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to Iraq, Middle East Council of Churches President on behalf of the Catholic family and Patriarch of Babylon for the Chaldeans Cardinal Mar Louis Raphael Sako met with MECC General Secretary Dr. Michel Abs, Assistant Secretary General Father Dr. Nicolas Bustros and departments directors.
The Middle East Council of Churches General Secretariat issued its annual report for the year 2020, a year in review burdened by challenges and obstacles in the world in general, and the Middle East in particular. The East witnessed a never-ending cycle of crises for decades now.
The small open pickup truck, ladened with large boxes, made its way cautiously down Alexander Fleming street, an offshoot alley from Mar Mikhael road, just a few minutes of walking distance from the Beirut port.
"Hello! Hello!" Norma Irani warmly greeted JCC worker Elias Habib. "And you brought my new gas stove!"
Los preparativos para la Navidad y el nacimiento de Jesucristo, nuestro Salvador, en la familia de la Secretaría General del MECC comenzaron con el retiro espiritual anual titulado “La Estrella de Navidad”, que ha tenido lugar en el Monasterio Saydet El Bir, Bkennaya – Jal El Dib, Líbano.
The preparations for Christmas and the Birth of Jesus Christ our Savior in the MECC General Secretariat’s family started in an annual spiritual retreat entitled “The Christmas star”, and took place in Saydet El Bir Monastery, Bkennaya - Jal El Dib, Lebanon.
El Dr. Michel Abs, Secretario General del MECC, participó en una reunión de presentación virtual para conocerse, organizada por el departamento del Consejo para el Servicio de los Refugiados Palestinos (DSPR: Department for the Service of Palestinian Refugees), durante la cual expuso su plan de trabajo para los próximos cuatro años, en medio de los desafíos que el Consejo enfrenta hoy en día.
Dr. Michel Abs, the MECC Secretary General, in a first acquaintance meeting with the DSPR team
El Departamento de DSPR representado por la Sra. Sylvia Haddad le deseó suerte a la Secretaria General Honoraria, Dra. Souraya Bechealany, en sus esfuerzos futuros y su misión futura. Le dieron un regalo: una bufanda hecha a mano de “Enaach”, un taller en el campamento palestino en el Líbano.
Through their ongoing activities, the Diakonia department and the Department for the Service of Palestinian refugees (DSPR) continue to serve the weak and the poor, especially during this exceptional period resulting from the widespread outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its economic and social repercussions on the Middle East.
As we approach Holy Week we are all reminded that staying at home is the safest way to celebrate our faith and to ensure that our traditions, communal prayerful rites and rituals would be sustained for years to come. Many of us at DSPR have been invigorated by the Services and Hymns on social media networks by our various faith communities. From the Pope’s exceptional prayer with his blessing for the City and the World to Hymns sung by the Greek Orthodox Mount of Lebanon Choir to the World Council of Churches statements and prayers which offered hope and solidarity.