Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

How Great are your Deeds, O Lord, All of them are Wisely Done (Psalm 103)

On the Days of the “Season of Creation”

His Eminence Bishop Costa Kayyal: Nature is a fruit of the Creator's creativity and an abundance of His gifts

Believers are called to live a life worthy of the Gospel of Christ

For many decades, the environment has been an important issue and a major area of interest in the Church's thoughts and orientation. It emphasized in its belief and prayers the glorification and praise of the Creator for all the divine blessings he has given us. Not to mention the environmental and natural projects and activities it has been keen to implement, emphasizing the responsibility of Man to preserve his common home.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Video - A Youth Environmental Campaign to Clean the Raouche Beach in Beirut

As part of the Eastern “Season of Creation” 2021 activities, and under the patronage of the Middle East Council of Churches, a campaign to clean up the Raouche Beach in Beirut, Lebanon, was implemented on Saturday, September 18, 2021, morning. The campaign was organized by Youth and Students for Peace organization, Lebanese Scout Association, and Jerusalem See, Lebanon and the Near East, the Coptic Orthodox Church of Our Lady and Saint Mark the Apostle in Lebanon.

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Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

The Middle East Council of Churches Issues the Ecumenical Calendar for October 2021

The Communication and Public Relations Department at the Middle East Council of Churches have now issued its Ecumenical calendar for the month of October 2021. It includes the Ecclesiastical and Liturgical feasts of the various families of Churches in the Middle East. In addition to international days identified by the United Nations, and which are related to the MECC identity and its spiritual and human mission. Noting that the remaining months of the year will be published consecutively.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Video – The Environmental Orthodox View and Youth Initiatives in the Fourth Episode of the "Days of the Season of Creation" 2021 on Télé Lumière and Noursat

The fourth episode of the program "Days of the Season of Creation" 2021 was broadcasted on Thursday, September 23, at 8:30 pm Beirut time and 5:30 GMT, and reran on Friday, September 24, 2021. The program is prepared in cooperation between Télé Lumière and Noursat and the Middle East Council of Churches. It is launched in the context of the international celebrations of the “Season of Creation” and will be broadcasted throughout the month of September. The content is prepared by the MECC Communication and Public Relations Department.

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Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Video - Psychological and Spiritual Support Sessions for a Group of Youth in Lebanon

As a follow-up to the psychological and spiritual repercussions of the Beirut Port blast, the MECC Theological and Ecumenical Department implemented a new training as part of the “Trauma Healing and Spiritual Counseling” program for a group of youth. It was executed at the Convent of the Congregation of Maronite Sisters of the Holy Family in Akoura, Lebanon, from Thursday 16 to Sunday 19 September 2021. Moreover, the training was organized by the program coordinator Sister Emilie Tannous in cooperation with the coordinator of the department's programs Jean-Pierre Eid.

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Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Video – “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” (Mark 8:36)

About the importance of returning to oneself and evaluating the reality of life, according to the Gospel of Mark. A video prepared and presented by member of the MECC Ecojustice Adhoc Committee Father Elias Marswanian, from the Congregation of the Minor Brothers Monastery, and directed by Ali Al-Jaroush.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

La Catedral Maronita de la Argentina fue profanada

El MECC se solidariza con la comunidad maronita de la Argentina

El Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio se une en oración por la comunidad maronita de Argentina ante la terrible profanación que sufrió la Catedral de San Marón de la Diócesis Maronita de Argentina el día 24 de septiembre. El obispo maronita de Argentina es S.E. Mons. Juan Habib Chamieh o.m.m. quien nos concedió en meses pasados una interesante entrevista.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

The Maronite Cathedral of Argentina was desecrated

The MECC stands in solidarity with the Maronite community of Argentina

The Middle East Council of Churches joins in prayer for the Maronite community of Argentina in the face of the terrible desecration that the San Maron Cathedral of the Maronite Diocese of Argentina suffered on September 24. The Maronite bishop of Argentina is H.E. Mgrs. Habib Chamieh O.M.M. who gave us an interesting interview in recent months.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Borrador del Manifiesto del Simposio sobre «La comunicación para la justicia social en la era digital» en árabe

Tras el simposio internacional «La comunicación para la justicia social en la era digital», organizado por el Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (WWC, World Council of Churches) y la Asociación Mundial para la Comunicación Cristiana, junto con un grupo de organizaciones internacionales, los participantes publicaron el borrador del Manifiesto del simposio. En una iniciativa para activar la comunicación y tender puentes, el Departamento de Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas del MECC tradujo el borrador del Manifiesto al árabe.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

«La comunicación para la justicia social en la era digital»

Un simposio internacional organizado por el Consejo Mundial de Iglesias y la Asociación Mundial para la Comunicación Cristiana

El Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (WWC, World Council of Churches) y la Asociación Mundial para la Comunicación Cristiana organizaron un simposio internacional en línea titulado «La comunicación para la justicia social en la era digital», entre el 13 y el 15 de septiembre de 2021, centrado en el impacto de la transformación digital en las comunidades y sociedades.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Draft Manifesto of the Symposium on "Digital Communication and Social Justice" in Arabic

Following the international symposium "Communication for Social Justice in a Digital Age", which was organized by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and World Association for Christian Communication, along with a group of international organizations, the participants issued the draft of the symposium’s Manifesto. In an initiative to activate communication and build bridges, the MECC Communication and Public Relations Department translated the draft of the Manifesto into Arabic.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

“Communication for Social Justice in a Digital Age”

An International Symposium Organized by the World Council of Churches and World Association for Christian Communication

The World Council of Churches and World Association for Christian Communication organized an international online symposium entitled “Communication for Social Justice in a Digital Age”, between 13 and 15 September 2021, focusing on the impact of digital transformation on communities and societies.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Momentum, the Weekly Newsletter from the Middle East Council of Churches

The new issue of the weekly newsletter Momentum issued by the Communication and Public Relations Department of the Middle East Council of Churches, presents the news of the new training implemented as part of the “Trauma Healing and Spiritual Counseling” program by the Theological and Ecumenical Department for a group of youth. As for the weekly message of the Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs, it was entitled " Human Dignity: Violations and Response!".

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Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Desde las costas de Raouche en Beirut

Organizaciones juveniles en cooperación con el MECC:
«Así es como empezamos el cambio hacia un medio ambiente mejor»

Desde el corazón herido de Beirut, y desde las orillas de Raouche, querían el cambio e insistían, aunque fuera con pequeñas iniciativas, en restaurar el bello rostro del Líbano. El corazón palpitante de la sociedad, hombres y mujeres jóvenes dispuestos, a pesar de las dificultades económicas y sociales, a trabajar por un país mejor. El tipo de cambio esta vez es diferente y se olvida en un país como el Líbano, al igual que en la mayor parte del Medio Oriente, donde las crisis cada vez más profundas hacen que sus habitantes se olviden de la necesidad de cuidar su «casa común», pero en un ambiente dolorido, ¿alguien escucha?

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Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

From Raouche Shores in Beirut

Youth Organizations in Cooperation with the MECC:

‘This is how we start the change towards a better environment’

From the wounded heart of Beirut, and from the shores of Raouche, they wanted change and insisted, even with small initiatives, to restore the beautiful face of Lebanon. The beating heart of society, young men and women keen, despite economic and social hardships, to work towards a better country. The type of change this time is different and forgotten in a country like Lebanon, just like in most of the Middle East, where deepening crises are raging and causing its residents to forget the need to care for their “common home,” but in a pained environment, is anyone listening?

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Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

The Middle East Council of Churches Is Inviting You to Participate in the Closing Prayer of the "Season of Creation"

October 3, 2021, at the Visitation Monastery, Aintoura – Lebanon

Under the patronage of the Syriac Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and All the East His Beatitude Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Al Rai, the Middle East Council of Churches has the honor to invite you to participate in the closing Prayer of the "Season of Creation" which is being celebrated for the first time in the East. The Prayer will be held on Sunday October 3, 2021 at 5 pm Beirut Time, in the Monastery of the Visitation, Philokalia Institute and Organization, in Aintoura, Keserwan – Lebanon.

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Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Video – Stay Tuned for the Fourth Episode of the “Days of the Season of Creation” On Thursday, September 23, 2021

As part of the new television series about the “Days of the Season of Creation” 2021 launched by the MECC Communication and Public Relations Department, the fourth episode will be broadcasted on Thursday, September 23, 2021 at 8:30 PM Beirut time and 5:30 GMT on Télé Lumière and Noursat, and will be reran on Friday, September 24, 2021, late morning. The content is prepared by the Communication and Public Relations Department and presented by Lea Maamary.

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Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

The Coronavirus COVID-19 situation in the Middle East

Report: 22 September 2021

With vaccine production becoming of outmost importance in the Middle East, Egypt took the torch by establishing the largest vaccine production facility in the Middle East. In this way, low and middle-income countries can afford purchasing quantities of the vaccine to speed up the inoculation process.

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