Dr. Michel Abs, Secretario General del MECC, en Bkerke: Lo que discutimos con Su Beatitud el Patriarca Rai será una parte esencial de nuestro trabajo hacia la Asamblea General del Consejo
Dr. Michel Abs, el secretario general del MECC inició sus visitas oficiales a los presidentes del Consejo para agradecerles su confianza en elegirlo como secretario general por cuatro años. Su primera visita fue a Su Beatitud Bechara Pedro card. Rai en la sede del Patriarcado en Bkerke. Estuvo acompañado por el P. Gabriel Hachem, el Secretario General Adjunto y director del Departamento Teológico y Ecuménico, la Sra. Huguette Salameh, directora del Departamento de Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas, y la Sra. Nina Hallak, coordinadora del Departamento de Diaconía en Beirut.
Dr. Michel Abs, MECC Secretary General, from Bkerke: What we discussed with His Beatitude Patriarch Al Rahi will form an essential part of our work towards the council’s General Assembly
Dr. Michel Abs, the MECC Secretary General started his official visits to the council’s Presidents to thank them for their confidence in electing him as Secretary General for four years. Therefore, his first visit was to His Beatitude Mar Bechara Boutros Al Rahi at the Patriarchate headquarters in Bkerke. He was accompanied by Fr. Gabriel Hachem, the Associate Secretary General and director of the Theological and Ecumenical Department, Mrs. Huguette Salameh, director of the Communication and Public Relations Department, and Ms. Nina Hallak, coordinator of the Diakonia Department in Beirut.
Video: Following the Beirut Blast, MECC supports Lebanese youth spiritually and psychologically
The Theological and Ecumenical Department of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), organized a Trauma Healing and Spiritual Counseling program in partnership and cooperation with the Youth office and the Patriarchal Seminary of the Greek Melkite Catholic Churh - Rabwa. This program targeted a group of young people from different member churches, scout and religious movements. It aims at supporting the participants psychologically and spiritually, so that they can in turn, help others the same way.
MECC supports Lebanese youth spiritually and psychologically
The Theological and Ecumenical Department of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), organized a Trauma Healing and Spiritual Counseling program in partnership and cooperation with the Youth office and the Patriarchal Seminary of the Greek Melkite Catholic Churh - Rabwa. This program targeted a group of young people from different member churches, scout and religious movements. It was launched based on the recommendations made by the youth during two online meetings held by this TED department following the Beirut port explosion, in order to hear their aspirations and suggestions. The program aims at supporting the participants psychologically and spiritually, so that they can in turn, help others the same way.
Following the Beirut blast, MECC supports young people spiritually and psychologically
As part of the follow-up to the practical recommendations expressed by the youth during the online meetings held by the Council of Middle East Churches on the 25th & 26th August 2020 and in the belief of their active role in the disaster relief of Beirut, the department of Theological Affairs and Ecumenical Relations, in partnership and cooperation with the Great Youth and the Theological Seminary Department of the Roman Catholic-Rabbwa Patriarchate, organize the program of "healing from psychological trauma and spiritual advice" on the 12th and 19th of September 2020.
MECC prayed with Cardinal Pietro Parolin on the intention of the wounded Beirut
Under the framework of the solidarity visit done by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican’s Secretary of State, to Beirut on the 3rd of September, 2020, the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), represented by its Secretary General Dr. Souraya Behealany and the Director of the Theological and Ecumenical Department, Fr. Gaby Hachem, participated in the reception ceremony. In addition, they participated in the meeting held by Cardinal Parolin with the spiritual leaders in Lebanon.
An MECC Delegation visiting the Coptic Orthodox Church in Beirut
Thursday August 31, 2020
A delegation from the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) including Father Gaby Alfred Hachem, Director of the Theological and Ecumenical Department (TED), Sister Emily Tannous, Coordinator of the Department, and Mrs. Seta Hadeshian, representing Dr. Souraya Bechealany, MECC Secretary General, visited the Coptic Orthodox Church in Sin El Fil, to meet with His Eminence Anba Antonius, Coptic Bishop of Jerusalem, Lebanon, Kuwait and the Gulf and to welcome Coptic Monk Timon Al-Suriani, who was appointed as the new Head of the Coptic Church in Lebanon.
Interview on Télé Lumière and Noursat with Fr. Gaby Hachem, Director of the MECC Theological and Ecumenical Department, focusing on MECC Beirut appeal
Télé Lumière - Noursat dedicated a weekly segment for the Middle East Council of Churches every Thursday in "AL Nour Maana" show, to discuss the latest updates regarding the MECC appeal as well its relief and development projects in Beirut.
MECC Is Working on Launching an Ecumenical Youth Platform
On Tuesday 25 and Wednesday 26 August, the MECC Theological and Ecumenical Department (TED) held two virtual meetings with around 17 young people from various churches in Lebanon. These two gatherings were a follow-up to the youth consultation seminar held by the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) on the 11th of July 2020, within the “Kairos Middle East: Towards Churches Global Compact” process.
The Middle East Council of Churches’ Statement to the Churches of the World and to Its Partners
Support to the devastated city of Beirut and to its distressed people
Christ is risen indeed He is risen! For two thousand years, Christians in the Middle East have been continuously proclaiming Christ’s Resurrection to express at the same time their faith and their confrontation with death, the greatest threat to humanity and creation. Due to its religious, cultural and commercial vivacity and its presence in the heart of the ancient world, their region did not really witness true peace except for intermittent periods. In fact, it was in most cases, a crossroad, a meeting place and starting point on the one hand, and an arena for conflicts and confrontations on the other. Due to raging conflicts and wars, for more than half a century, the Middle East has tremendously suffered violence, extremism and killing, uprooting its inhabitants from their lands and displacing them, tampering with their fate, and undermining human dignity.
Video: First Youth Consultation Seminar within the “Kairos Middle East Towards Churches Global Compact” Process
Youth are a key pillar in shaping the future
As part of the “Kairos Middle East Towards Churches Global Compact” process, the Theological and Ecumenical Department (TED) of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) organized the first youth consultation seminar on the 11th of July 2020, at the St Augustine center in Kafra – Ain Saade, Lebanon.
Click on the title to watch the video
First Youth Consultation Seminar within the “Kairos Middle East Towards Churches Global Compact” Process
Youth are a key pillar in shaping the future
As part of the “Kairos Middle East Towards Churches Global Compact” process, the Theological and Ecumenical Department (TED) of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) organized the first youth consultation seminar on the 11th of July 2020, at the St Augustine center in Kafra – Ain Saade, Lebanon.
The "Kairos Middle East:Towards Churches Global Compact": ongoing process-The interfaith consultation/Drafting committee
Following the strategic orientation aiming at keeping an ongoing interreligious dialogue about Christian-Muslim relations and relations with other religions such as with Jews, the Theological & Ecumenical Department held the 5th consultation seminar of the process on Tuesday June 2, 2020 in order to continue the preparation of the “Kairos Middle East: Towards Churches Global Compact” white paper.
Sr. Emilie Tannous, the coordinator of the MECC Theological and Ecumenical Department, highlighted on Voice of Van and MTV the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity’s appeal
Sr. Emilie Tannous, the coordinator of the MECC Thelogical and Ecumenical Department, was the guest of "Kel Yowm bi Ywomu" program on Voice of Van radio station, and the guest of “Alive” program on MTV. The discussions were about the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity’s appeal to observe the 14th of May 2020 as a day of joint prayer, fasting and good deeds.
Video: Interview with Fr. Gaby Hachem, Director of the MECC Theological and Ecumenical Department on Voice of All Lebanon, to discuss about the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity’s appeal
Interview with Fr. Gabi Hachem, Director of the MECC Theological and Ecumenical Department on Voice of All Lebanon radio station, with the journalist Johnny Sadiq. The discussion was about the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity’s appeal to observe the 14th of May 2020 as a day of joint prayer, fasting and good deeds.
Click on the title to watch the video
Kairos process is still ongoing despite Coronavirus
Despite its widespread outbreak around the world, the Coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) did not hinder the work of the MECC Theological and Ecumenical department (TED) who was determined to continue the “Kairos Middle East Towards Churches Global Compact” process online. In fact, the fifth consultation seminar was expected to be held between the 12th and 14th of March 2020 in Egypt; therefore, the organizing committee decided to turn the event into an online seminar instead of cancelling it.
Report of the consultation “Towards a More Responsive and Inclusive Ecumenical Vision”
This report is the product of a meeting of thirty veteran ecumenists, church leaders who have had long and deep commitment to the ecumenical cause, hosted in Antelias, Lebanon from January 31-February 2, 2020 by His Holiness Aram I.
The second consultation seminar of " Kairos Middle East Towards Churches Global Compact " has seen the light
The Theological and Ecumenical Department of the Middle East Council of Churches has held the second consultation seminar of its process entitled " Kairos Middle East Towards Churches Global Compact ". The seminar is taking place over two days, on 21 and 22 February 2020 in Bethania - Harissa, Lebanon.
Trauma Healing and Spiritual Counseling
A first session between earth and sky in Anaphora – Egypt
“Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while…” (Mark 6:31): This was the title of the first session within the Trauma Healing and Spiritual Counseling program organized by the Middle East Council of Churches’ Theological and Ecumenical Department (TED) at the Anaphora Center in Egypt.
“Trauma Healing and Spiritual Counseling” for the first time in Wadi Al-Nasara – Syria
The MECC Theological and Ecumenical Department (TED) held the first session of its program “Trauma Healing and Spiritual Counseling”, dedicated for ministers and pastors from different parishes in the village of Al-Mishtaya in Wadi Al-Nasara - Syria from January 27 till February 1, 2020.