The "Kairos Middle East:Towards Churches Global Compact": ongoing process-The interfaith consultation/Drafting committee


Following the strategic orientation aiming at keeping an ongoing interreligious dialogue about Christian-Muslim relations and relations with other religions such as with Jews, the Theological & Ecumenical Department held the 5th consultation seminar of the process on Tuesday June 2, 2020 in order to continue the preparation of  the “Kairos Middle East: Towards Churches Global Compact” white paper. The seminar, which focused on Christian-Muslim relations in particular, was held via an online platform. Before the meeting, experts in the field from the Middle East as well as experts from KAICIID were contacted and more than 20 responses were collected and consolidated to determine the axes of the discussion in this consultation seminar. It is worth noting that the working group is also planning for a future consultation seminar that will focus on Christian-Jewish relations in order to support the Palestinian cause and all efforts for just peace in the Middle East.

In parallel, the Drafting Committee of the white paper is pursuing its mission through sub-groups that are working on elaborating and developing the different axes in depth.


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