Sr. Emilie Tannous, the coordinator of the MECC Theological and Ecumenical Department, highlighted on Voice of Van and MTV the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity’s appeal


Sr. Emily Tannous, the coordinator of the MECC Thelogical and Ecumenical Department, was the guest of "Kel Yowm bi Ywomu" program on Voice of Van radio station, and the guest of “Alive” program on MTV. The discussions were about the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity’s appeal to observe the 14th of May 2020 as a day of joint prayer, fasting and good deeds between Christians and Muslims, asking for God's help in overcoming the Coronavirus pandemic.

Link to the Voice of Van’s interview:

Link to the MTV’s interview:


MECC In Response to the Global Initiative for “Human Fraternity”: On the 14th of May, let us pray together as Christians and Muslims!


Video: Interview with Fr. Gaby Hachem, Director of the MECC Theological and Ecumenical Department on Voice of All Lebanon, to discuss about the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity’s appeal