Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

The Coronavirus COVID-19 situation in the Middle East

Report: 8 December 2021

Countries in the Middle East are preparing themselves for the omicron variant of the coronavirus by restricting travel, announcing lockdowns and closing airports. Although several decision makers have assured the public that their countries are ready to face whatever the new challenges omicron might bring, many are skeptical whether their governments are up for the challenge.

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Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Su Beatitud el Patriarca Anba Ibrahim Ishaq recibe al Secretario General del Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio, Dr. Michel Abs, al frente de una delegación

El Cairo.– Durante la mañana del 4 de diciembre de 2021, Su Beatitud Anba Ibrahim Ishaq, Patriarca de Alejandría para los católicos coptos, recibió al Consejo de las Iglesias del Oriente Medio, en la Sede Patriarcal de Kobri Al-Qubba, en presencia de Su Eminencia Anba Bakhoum, Vicario Patriarcal de la Diócesis Patriarcal.

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Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

En la fiesta de Santa Bárbara, la mártir, ¡Levántate, oh durmiente, y Cristo brillará sobre ti!

Padre Agapios: Cristo habita en nuestra nave y calma toda turbulencia tormentosa

En medio de las olas de violencia, de la expiación, de la cultura del odio y de la mercantilización (...) a menudo nos alejamos de la esencia misma de nuestra vida, del fundamento manifestado en la fe, la esperanza y el amor. Es cierto que no podemos negar este hecho porque nos ahogamos diariamente en grandes tormentas que nos alejan de la orilla de la seguridad, pero estamos de acuerdo en que la seguridad deseada no puede alcanzarse sin adherirse a la fe.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Momentum, the Weekly Newsletter from the Middle East Council of Churches

The new issue of the weekly newsletter Momentum issued by the Communication and Public Relations Department of the Middle East Council of Churches, presents details about a series of visits held by Secretary General Dr. Abs with an MECC delegation to the head of Churches and leaderships in Egypt, aiming to prepare for the 12th General Assembly. The visits started with a meeting with His Holiness Pope Tawadros II at the Papal Logos Center in Wadi El Natrun. As for the weekly message of Dr. Abs, it was entitled “An ecumenical celebration in the care of the Holy Family”.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

On the Feast of Saint Barbara, the Martyr, Rise, O Sleeper, and Christ Will Shine Upon You!

Father Agapios: Christ dwells in our ship and calms every stormy turmoil

Amid waves of violence, atonement, the culture of hatred and commodification...we often distance ourselves from the very essence of our life, the foundation manifested in faith, hope, and love. It is true that we cannot deny this fact because we are drowning daily in great storms pushing us away from the shore of safety, but we agree that the desired safety cannot be reached without adhering to faith.

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Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

The Middle East Facing the New Coronavirus Variants

Report: 16 to 30 November 2021

The World Health Organization held a special emergency meeting to discuss the emergence of a new COVID strain that may be deadlier than the others that preceded it. Although the organization stated that there is no reason to panic, the WHO did confirm that the variant has already been observed to have “a large number of mutations,” raising questions and concerns over how that will impact diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccinations.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

The Middle East Council of Churches Issues the Ecumenical Calendar for December 2021

The Communication and Public Relations Department at the Middle East Council of Churches have now issued its digital Ecumenical calendar for the month of December 2021. It includes the Ecclesiastical and Liturgical feasts of the various families of Churches in the Middle East. In addition to international days identified by the United Nations, and which are related to the MECC identity and its spiritual and human mission.

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El Arzobispo de la Provincia Episcopal/Anglicana de Alejandría, Dr. Samy Fawzy, se reúne con el Secretario General del MECC, Dr. Michel Abs, y hablan de la futura cooperación

El Dr. Samy Fawzy, Arzobispo de la Provincia Episcopal/Anglicana de Alejandría, se ha reunido hoy, lunes 29 de noviembre de 2021, con el Dr. Michel Abs, Secretario General del Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio, en la Catedral de Todos los Santos de Zamalek, en presencia de Anthony Ball, Obispo Asistente, el Rev. Rifaat Fikri, Secretario General Asociado del Consejo, y la Sra. Huguette Salameh, Directora del Departamento de Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas del MECC.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Su Santidad el Papa Tawadros II recibió al Secretario General del Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio, Dr. Michel Abs

Su Santidad el Papa Tawadros II, Papa de Alejandría y Patriarca de la Sede de San Marcos, recibió en su sede papal en El Cairo – Egipto, el domingo 27 de noviembre de 2021, al Dr. Michel Abs, Secretario General del Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio, quien se encuentra de visita en Egipto.

Su Santidad el Papa Tawadros II le dio la bienvenida y durante el encuentro se discutió la preparación para la convocatoria de la XII Asamblea General del Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio, que se celebra cada 4 años.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Momentum, the Weekly Newsletter from the Middle East Council of Churches

In the new issue of the weekly newsletter Momentum issued by the Communication and Public Relations Department of the Middle East Council of Churches, MECC General Secretariat mourns its colleague and the Finance Director of Syria’s office Hayel Abou Jamra who passed peacefully from this life into the loving arms of our Lord. As for the weekly message of the MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs, it was entitled “On Violence, the Human Person and the Other”.

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Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Diakonia, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Diakonia, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

How Do We Create a Project Budget?

Training to Improve the Capabilities of the MECC Team

Developing the working group performance in any institution or organization contributes the most in enhancing the work mechanisms and improving the productivity. The Middle East Council of Churches is keen to organize periodic training courses for its department’s teams aiming at developing their skills in various fields in order to achieve the desired Ecumenical and humanitarian goals.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Momentum, the Weekly Newsletter from the Middle East Council of Churches

The new issue of the weekly newsletter Momentum issued by the Communication and Public Relations Department of the Middle East Council of Churches, presents an exclusive interview with His Beatitude Patriarch Raphaël Bedros XXI Minassian, after his appointment as Patriarch of Cilicia for the Armenian Catholics. He said “After 30 years God sent me back to my starting point, Beirut, I am nothing but a servant and priest fulfilling the will of Jesus Christ”.

As for the weekly message of the MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs, it was entitled “Towards the Twelfth General Assembly”.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

In an Exclusive Interview After His Appointment

His Beatitude Patriarch Raphaël Bedros XXI Minassian

Patriarch of Cilicia for the Armenian Catholics

‘After 30 years God sent me back to my starting point, Beirut’

‘I am nothing but a servant and priest fulfilling the will of Jesus Christ’

With complete surrender, he passed his priestly journey, and he was the faithful servant whom his master entrusted over many things, so he chose him as a Patriarch at the head of the Armenian Catholic Church.

His Beatitude Raphaël Bedros XXI Minassian Patriarch of Cilicia for the Armenian Catholics believes that God’s hand is in his in every stage of his mission. He started off in Lebanon, then Jerusalem, the United States of America, to Eastern Europe, to finally returned after 30 years to his starting point as Patriarch seated in Beirut.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Green Energy in the ME: Reality or Fiction

Report: 1 to 15 November 2021

Several countries around the world have been hit with energy crises during the past month. This alone is indicative that the world must start to shift to cleaner forms of renewable energy. The Middle East is no stranger to what’s happening and has begun implementing some projects in some areas that aim to decrease dependency on fossil reserves.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Momentum, the Weekly Newsletter from the Middle East Council of Churches

The new issue of the weekly newsletter Momentum issued by the Communication and Public Relations Department of the Middle East Council of Churches, presents details of the Congratulatory Visit to the Patriarch of Cilicia for the Armenian Catholics His Beatitude Raphaël Minassian, held by a delegation from the MECC General Secretariat headed by Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs. As for the weekly message of Dr. Abs, it was entitled “So that identity does not become a tool of devastation”.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

The Start of the Preparatory Phase for the Synod of Catholic Bishops in Rome

H.E Bishop Paul Rouhana:

‘The Lord invited us to be a Church’

‘Love is a spiritual battle we fight to free ourselves from ego and anger. Without it, our journey together would fail’

Injustice, hate speech, corruption, unfairness... All these are expressions that have always dominated the global scene, especially the Levantine, at a time when societies are suffering from severe crises on every front: health, environmental, economic, cultural, and political. But does anyone hear the pain of those marginalized? Are there initiatives contributing to alleviating the crisis? What is the Church’s role in all of the above?

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