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Momentum, el boletín semanal del Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio

El nuevo número del boletín semanal Momentum, publicado por el Departamento de Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas del Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio, presenta una noticia sobre la inauguración por parte del MECC de los «Días del Tiempo de la Creación» 2021 con una Oración Ecuménica en la Iglesia Evangélica Nacional de Beirut. En cuanto al mensaje semanal del Secretario General, Dr. Michel Abs, se titula «Un destello de esperanza ecuménica desde el corazón de la destrucción».

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Momentum, the Weekly Newsletter from the Middle East Council of Churches

The new issue of the weekly newsletter Momentum issued by the Communication and Public Relations Department of the Middle East Council of Churches, presents a news about the MECC inauguration of the “Days of the Season of Creation” 2021 in an Ecumenical Prayer from the National Evangelical Church in Beirut. As for the weekly message of the Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs, it was entitled " A glimmer of ecumenical hope from the heart of destruction".

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Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Video - Watch the Second Episode of the “Days of the Season of Creation” On Thursday, September 9, 2021

As part of the new television series about the “Days of the Season of Creation” 2021 launched by the MECC Communication and Public Relations Department, the second episode will be broadcasted on Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 8:30 PM Beirut time and 5:30 GMT on Télé Lumière and Noursat, and will be reran on Friday, September 10, 2021, late morning. The content is prepared by the Communication and Public Relations Department and presented by Ralph Tawitian.

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Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

The Middle East Council of Churches Issues the September 2021 Ecumenical Calendar

The Communication and Public Relations Department at the Middle East Council of Churches have now issued its Ecumenical calendar for the month of September 2021. It includes the Ecclesiastical and Liturgical feasts of the various families of Churches in the Middle East. In addition to international days identified by the United Nations, and which are related to the MECC identity and its spiritual and human mission. Noting that the remaining months of the year will be published consecutively.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it” (Psalm 24:1) – 2

Jordanian Churches Developing the Environmental Life

The “Common Home”, a Blessing from the Creator to Mankind

The “Season of Creation” 2021 brings a lot of hope for a better environment and a more sustainable future for next generations. For the first time, the Middle East began to participate in the celebrations of this Christian ecological season starting this year. May the prayers raised daily to our Creator, through the global booklet the Middle East Council of Churches translated to Arabic, to end the crises burdening our common home, the environment and all its creatures.

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Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Video - The Middle East Council of Churches Launches the First Episode of the “Days of the Season of Creation” 2021 on Télé Lumière and Noursat

Télé Lumière and Noursat channel broadcasted the first episode of the "Days of the Season of Creation" 2021 on Thursday, September 2 at 8:30 pm Beirut time. The content was prepared by the Communication and Public Relations Department and presented by Lawyer Roy Jreich. This was the first of many episodes of the new television series the department worked on on the occasion of the “Season of Creation 2021” launching for the first time in the Middle East.

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Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

El Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio inaugura «El Tiempo de la Creación» 2021

Oración ecuménica de la Iglesia Evangélica Nacional de Beirut

Bajo el patrocinio y la presencia del presidente de la Unión Nacional Evangélica del Líbano y presidente del Consejo para la Familia Evangélica, Su Excelencia el Dr. Habib Badr, el Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio inauguró los «Días del Tiempo de la Creación 2021» por primera vez en el Medio Oriente.

El domingo 5 de septiembre de 2021, a las 5:00 p.m. (hora de Beirut), se celebró un servicio de oración ecuménica con la generosa hospitalidad de la Iglesia Evangélica Nacional de Beirut.

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Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

The Middle East Council of Churches Inaugurates the “Season of Creation” 2021

Ecumenical Prayer from the National Evangelical Church in Beirut

Under the patronage and presence of the President of the National Evangelical Union in Lebanon and President of the Council for the Evangelical Family HE Reverend Dr. Habib Badr, the Middle East Council of Churches inaugurated the “Days of the Season of Creation” 2021 for the first time in the Middle East. An Ecumenical Prayer service was held on Sunday, September 5, 2021 at 5 pm Beirut time, with the generous hospitality of the National Evangelical Church in Beirut.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Momentum, el boletín semanal del Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio

El nuevo número del boletín semanal Momentum, publicado por el Departamento de Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas del Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio, presenta una noticia sobre la nueva serie de episodios televisivos lanzada por el MECC sobre los «Días del Tiempo de la Creación» 2021, además del tema del primer episodio. En cuanto al mensaje semanal del Secretario General, Dr. Michel Abs, se titula «¿Qué le has hecho a la Casa de Dios?».

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Para que siga siendo un refugio para los que fueron olvidados

«El Hogar de Ancianos Mar Elías» se sacude el polvo de la guerra

Jean, de 68 años, camina por la residencia de ancianos Mar Elías con la ayuda de su muleta. Está revisando el lugar que abandonó hace unos diez años escapando de los fuertes bombardeos durante la guerra en Alepo. Se sentó en una silla a la sombra de un gran árbol en el patio de la residencia y comenzó a contar sus recuerdos con otros ancianos que solían vivir aquí antes de abandonar el lugar en busca de seguridad.

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Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Video - Protecting Our Common Home Is One of the Most Important Human Responsibilities

With the beginning of the “Season of Creation” 2021 in the Middle East, the MECC Communication and Public Relations Department, and the Council’s Ecojustice Adhoc Committee continue the series of environmental videos that they had previously launched. A new video is now released and focuses on the “Season of Creation” theme for the year 2021, on the human responsibility in preserving the common home and the importance of preventing its destruction. The video is prepared and presented by the committee member Father Elias Marswanian, from the Order of Friars Minor Conventual, and edited by Ali Al Jarouch.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

The Levant: Land of Woe

Report: 14 to 31 August 2021

While countries of the world are still suffering under the global economic contraction, things cannot be worse for the Levant. Still, the region is plagued with high unemployment, hyperinflation, and the loss of energy resources. Existing in a planet with increased connectivity and globalization, the area becoming increasingly isolated.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

So that it remains a shelter for those who were forgotten

Mar Elias Home for the Elderly shakes off the dust of war

John, 68 years old, walks around Mar Elias Care Home for the Elderly with the help of his crutch. He is checking the place he left about ten years ago escaping the heavy shelling during war in Aleppo. He sat on a chair in the shade of a large tree in the yard of the Care Home and started recounting his memories with other old people who used to live here before leaving the place in a search for safety.

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Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Momentum, the Weekly Newsletter from the Middle East Council of Churches

The new issue of the weekly newsletter Momentum issued by the Communication and Public Relations Department of the Middle East Council of Churches, presents a news about the new series of TV episodes launched by MECC about the “Days of the Season of Creation” 2021, in addition to the topic of the first episode. As for the weekly message of the Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs, it was entitled " What did you do to the house of God?".

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Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

¿Qué es el «Comité Adhoc de Eco-Justicia» en el Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio?

«El Tiempo de la Creación»: Un recién nacido en Oriente

Como ya se había anunciado, el Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio lanzó por primera vez en la región el proyecto «Tiempo de la Creación 2021» para que los habitantes del Oriente puedan rezar y trabajar por la protección de la creación, entre el 1 de septiembre y el 4 de octubre de cada año. Para ello, el Consejo ha creado un comité especial denominado «Comité Adhoc de Eco-Justicia» que se encargará de gestionar todos los preparativos de este «Tiempo», así como sus celebraciones y actividades en el Medio Oriente.

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Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

El Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio presenta una nueva serie de episodios televisivos

«El Tiempo de la Creación» Oriental en Télé Lumière y Noursat

Con motivo del lanzamiento de «El Tiempo de la Creación 2021» por primera vez en Oriente Medio, el Departamento de Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas del Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio presenta una nueva serie de televisión durante el mes de septiembre sobre los «Días del Tiempo de la Creación» en Télé Lumière y Noursat.
El programa presenta episodios semanales que se emiten todos los jueves a las 20:30 hrs. (hora de Beirut) a lo largo de este «Tiempo» cristiano y medioambiental, y se repetirá todos los viernes. El contenido será preparado por el Departamento de Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas.

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La situación del coronavirus COVID-19 en el Medio Oriente

Informe: 1 de septiembre de 2021

A medida que las muertes por la nueva variante «Delta» siguen apareciendo a diario en el mundo, el Medio Oriente no es ajeno; y conforme se propaga como nunca antes, se registran más víctimas mortales en el Medio Oriente y fuera de él.

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Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication Under the Spotlight, Theological&Ecumenical, Communication Communication & PR Department Communication

Video - Stay tuned for the First Episode of the “Days of the Season of Creation” On Thursday, September 2, 2021

As part of the new television series about the “Days of the Season of Creation” 2021 launched by the MECC Communication and Public Relations Department, the first episode will be broadcasted on Thursday, September 2, 2021 at 8:30 PM Beirut time and 5:30 GMT on Télé Lumière and Noursat, and will be reran on Friday, September 3, 2021. The episode is prepared by the Communication and Public Relations Department and presented by Lawyer Roy Jreich.

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