His Beatitude Patriarch John X on the Feast of the Sea of Antioch:

“We stress the greatness of what was entrusted to us and the huge historical responsibility that was assigned to the Church of Antioch as being the first to be named after Christ”

Damascus, June 29, 2024

His Beatitude Patriarch John X, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, and President of the Middle East Council of Churches for the Orthodox Family, stressed the greatness of what was entrusted and the historical responsibility that was assigned to Christians in the East, who were first called by the name of Christ.

The Patriarch's words came during his celebration of the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul, founders of the See of Antioch. This year's celebration took place among a remarkable popular and ecclesiastical participation from various dioceses of the Antiochian See.

His Beatitude held Vespers prayers at the Monastery of the Vision of St. Paul in Tal Kawkab, with the participation of bishops and clergymen and Antiochian church figures from the various dioceses of the Antiochian See.

His Beatitude also celebrated the Liturgy on the morning of the feast in the Mariamite Cathedral, with the participation of Bishops: Elias Kfoury (Tyre and Sidon), Damaskinos Mansour (Brazil), Efrem Kyriakos (Tripoli and Koura), Ignatius Al-Hoshi (France), Antonios Al Souri Sour (Zahle and Baalbek), and Nicolas Baalbaki (Hama), Athanasios Fahed (Latakia), Yacoub Al-Khoury (Argentina), Efrem Maalouli (Aleppo and Alexandretta), Gregorios Khoury (Homs), Antonios Saad (Souaida), and bishops Romanos Al-Hanat, Mousa Al-Khoury, Dimitri Sharbak, Youhanna Batash, Mousa Al Khasi, and a group of clergymen.

At the end of the service, the Patriarch addressed his heartfelt greetings to the people of the Antiochian Church, in the homeland and the diaspora, asking for blessings and grace for them and asking God to grant peace and stability to the entire world.

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This news was originally publsihed on the Facebook Page of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East.


A Concert on the occasion of the Feast of the Throne of Antioch


His Eminence Bishop Constantine (Kayyal) celebrated the Vespers service and Aggripnia on the Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Antioch and the Alexandretta District