Vocational Trainings and Grants to Support Small Businesses in Tafas
The Service and Relief Department – Diakonia, at the Middle East Council of Churches, Syria’s Office, organized a graduation ceremony for the participants of the vocational trainings that were implemented in Tafas. An exhibition was organized in Saidat Al Bishara Church in Dara’a governorate where the production of trainees was presented.
The three-day exhibition included the productions of 150 trainees in the Vocational Trainings in different specializations: tailoring, electronics repair, mobile repair, dairy production, men and women hairdressing.
In the ceremony, all graduates received kits including the tools needed to start working or launch their own business.
From Producing to Selling Food Products Locally
MECC Supports Women in Akkar
Despite the deplorable economic conditions hanging over the country, the Service and Relief – Diakonia Department, Beirut’s Office, at the Middle East Council of Churches, launched a project aiming to enhance women’s resiliency and improve their livelihood. As such, the department chose Akkar, one of the most neglected and poverty-stricken areas in the country, to implement the project that would promote women’s products and their sale. Three villages namely Andket, Bazbina and Chadra were taken into consideration.
A Crochet Knitting Workshop Develops Women’s Capabilities in Lebanon
Women in Lebanon, just like any members of our society, have been severely impacted by the dire socioeconomic conditions haunting the country. Their sources of livelihood have been put to the test the same way their mental health has been impacted. For this reason, the Service and Relief – Diakonia Department, Beirut’s Office, at the Middle East Council of Churches, organized a Crochet Knitting workshop, in an attempt to alleviate such burdens.
During the workshop, women, from different age groups, were taught how to make crochet using balls of yarn and a pair of needles. They got the chance to learn a new skill, which they can use to start their own small business or make decorations for their homes.
The Diakonia Department Works on Providing a Healthy Environment for Students in Rural Damascus
It is a fact that unequipped WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) facilities that do not meet good hygiene conditions constitute a danger that might cause the spread of diseases among students.
Therefore, The Service and Relief Department –Diakonia, at The Middle East Council of Churches, Damascus’ Office, rehabilitated the WASH facilities in Aartouz Third (Al Thaletha) School and Aartouz Mixed (Mukhtalata) School in Aartouz, Josef Abou Zedan School in Sehnaya and Mohamad Husein Eid School in Jdaihet Aartouz City in Rural Damascus in order to secure a healthy environment for students and teachers.
The rehabilitation activities included the rehabilitation of WASH infrastructure and its equipment, maintenance of the drinking water network, installation of taps, toilets, doors, tile, ceramic, electric cables, water pumps and pipes in addition to completing the required painting activities.
Video – “ACT Alliance” in Lebanon: Developing Humanitarian Assistance and Working for A Sustainable Cooperation with its Members
The video highlights the visit of an “ACT Alliance” delegation to Lebanon, with the support of the Middle East Council of Churches, between 18 and 25 September 2022, as part of its Gender Justice program and Humanitarian program teams’ annual meetings. What did the participants say? What are their opinions? Answers in the following video, prepared by the MECC Communication and Public Relations Department.
Video – With MECC and Kerk in Actie
Rehabilitation of the St. Elias Home for Elderly in Aleppo
The Communication and Public Relations Department of the Middle East Council of Churches presents a video about the restoration and rehabilitation work implemented in the St. Elias Home for Elderly in Aleppo, which came back to life again. The project is within the “Restoration Fund for Rehabilitation of Faith-based Social Services & Religious Infrastructure Damaged During the Crisis in Syria” program implemented by MECC in cooperation with Kerk in Actie in Netherlands, in various Syrian governorates. The video was prepared and filmed by the Middle East Council of Churches in Syria.
Positive Parenting Sessions to Help Mothers Take Care of Their Children
Positive parenting is something every mother aspires to implement while taking care of her children. In order to raise the awareness of parents on how to build a strong and healthy relationship with their children, MECC implemented positive parenting sessions targeting 300 mothers in Damascus and Rural Damascus.
During the three-day training, the mothers were introduced to parenting styles, the importance of positive parenting, the correct methods of dealing with exhaustion and self-care, the characteristics of different age groups, active communication, problem-solving, and how to provide support and motivate children.
UNICEF Is Ringing the Alarm Bell: Children in Lebanon Are at Risk
The Diakonia Department in Beirut Supports Refugee Children Psychologically
According to a UNICEF report, Lebanon has significantly lost its progress towards achieving children’s basic rights, especially their right to health, education, protection, play and entertainment. The report issued in August 2022, based on a UNICEF study on child poverty and a child-focused rapid assessment (CFRA), mentioned that reasons are due to the economic crisis and the outbreak of the Covid pandemic. As well as, the report noted that children in Lebanon are witnessing the crises’ repercussions on their lives, so they lost their hopes in a better future and even in their dreams. Children are thus suffering from mental health problems as they are not receiving the necessary care.
A Delegation from the International ACT Alliance in Lebanon
The international humanitarian organization ACT Alliance is holding its Gender Justice program and Humanitarian program teams’ annual meetings, in Lebanon between 18 and 25 September 2022. Hence, the Middle East Council of Churches, member in ACT Alliance, was the facilitator of the visit to Lebanon, and contributed to the support in some logistics matters, in cooperation with ACT Alliance Regional Jordan’s Office. Noting that participants were from different countries of the world such as Palestine, European Union, Kenya, Philippines, Pakistan, Brazil, UK, India, Columbia, and some other countries from Africa and Asia pacific…
During its tour in Lebanon, the Act Alliance delegation visited the headquarters of the MECC General Secretariat in Beirut, on Wednesday 21 September 2022. The delegation was received by the MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs, along with the Executive Assistant to the Secretary General Mrs. Seta Hadeshian, and the Coordinator of the Beirut Service and Relief – Diakonia Department Ms. Nina Hallak.
Diakonia Department, Beirut’s Office
Standing Together and Supporting the Most Vulnerable People
Homeless families, poor people, uprooted refugees... are living amidst daily ongoing pressures. Therefore, the programs of the Service and Relief - Diakonia Department of the Middle East Council of Churches have an important role in preserving human rights and dignity, and embracing the neediest. The service work stems from our firm Christian belief that Christ himself founded this service through His healing of physical and psychological diseases, calling on every believer to serve his fellow.
MECC Jordan's Office Signs an MoU with YWCA - Amman
New Cooperation Towards the Support of the Most Vulnerable People
In response to the call of God the Creator to stand next to the most vulnerable and neediest, the Middle East Council of Churches has always sought, since its establishment, to accompany the most marginalized and affected people due to the difficult living conditions. MECC aims to preserve their rights and dignity, in various countries of the Middle East. Within this context, the MECC Jordan office is implementing many programs to support Syrian and Iraqi refugees as well as vulnerable people from Jordanian host communities.
In this framework, the MECC Jordan’s Office, represented by its Director Mrs. Wafaa El Ghousous, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) – Amman, represented by the Associations’ President Mrs. Hania Kakish. The MoU aimed at strengthening the cooperation towards the implementation of various training courses. It was signed on Wednesday 14 September 2022, at the headquarters of the Association.
Las mujeres refugiadas en el Líbano están en peligro y MECC busca apoyarlas
Miles y miles de refugiados huyeron de sus países debido a los graves impactos de las guerras y los conflictos, buscando un refugio seguro en un país que protegiera a sus familias con dignidad. Sin embargo, los refugiados del Líbano sufren hoy, como todos los libaneses, unas condiciones de vida difíciles. También fueron privados de sus derechos básicos y se enfrentan a un futuro desconocido. De ahí que las mujeres se hayan convertido en los grupos más afectados y vulnerables, ya que se enfrentan a muchas dificultades, sobre todo a nivel económico, para hacerse cargo de sus hijos y familias.
En medio de todo el estrés de la vida diaria, las mujeres refugiadas se enfrentan a muchas presiones psicológicas que les afectan desde todos los ámbitos de la vida. Por lo tanto, el Departamento de Servicio y Ayuda - Diakonia, Oficina de Beirut, en el Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio, busca durante todo el año, acompañarlas y apoyarlas para superar sus desafíos, a través de diversos programas.
Women Refugees in Lebanon are at Risk and MECC Seeks to Support Them
Thousands and thousands of refugees fled their countries due to the serious impacts of wars and conflicts, searching for a safe shelter in a country that would protect their families with dignity. However, the refugees in Lebanon are suffering today, as all Lebanese, from difficult living conditions. They were also deprived of their basic rights and are facing an unknown future. Hence, women have become the most affected and vulnerable groups, as they face a lot of difficulties, especially on the financial level, in taking caring of their children and families.
Amidst all the stress of daily life, refugee women are facing many psychological pressures that impacted them from all walks of life. Therefore, the Service and Relief Department - Diakonia, Beirut’s Office, at the Middle East Council of Churches, is seeking throughout the year, to accompany and support them in order to overcome their challenges, through various programs.
"Season of Creation" 2022 Started
The MECC General Secretariat Prays for Creation
Teach us, O Lord, to contemplate your creation, and listen for the voice of each creature declaring your glory!
The international “Season of Creation” 2022 has started in the Middle East and its theme for this year is “Listen to the Voice of Creation”. The Season begins on September 1 and ends on October 4 of each year. Hence, the Season invites us this year to listen to the voice of creation, which is suffering due to many factors. So we unite in prayer, thanking God for all His blessings and glorifying His Holy Name, “faith comes from hearing.” We also unite and share a common call to care for our Lord’s creation. We are co-creatures, and part of all that God has made. Our wellbeing is interwoven with the wellbeing of the Earth.
On the occasion, members of the MECC General Secretariat’s family who were present in Beirut, gathered and prayed for God the Creator, on Thursday 1st of September 2022, at the MECC headquarters in Beirut. MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs and a delegation of Directors were absent due to their participation in the WCC 11th General Assembly taking place in Karlsruhe, Germany, as well as others were busy due to many conferences.
A Summer Club Helps Children to Positively Spend their Summer Vacation
In order to help children spend their time during the summer vacation positively in a safe environment and to discover and develop their talents, The Service and Relief Department –Diakonia, at the Middle East Council of Churches, Syria’s Office, organized a summer club for 200 students aged between 6 and 13 years old, in Al Asieh School in Jaramana in Rural Damascus.
The atmosphere was interactive, fun, joyous and full of enthusiasm including many interactive recreational and educational activities and sessions such as Arabic and English languages, mathematics, mental math, sports, handmade crafts, drawing, theatre, music, mental and competitive games that were also accompanied by two psychosocial sessions per week entitled “Self – Journey”.
The summer club targeted vulnerable children that were affected by the Syrian crisis in order to help them release their stress resulting from social and academic pressures.
The summer club helped children to better manage their time, learn new various skills, and make new friendships.
Psychosocial Support Restores Hope for Women in Lebanon
Some women struggle with mental health issues due to loneliness, violence, and cultural isolation. Luckily, the MECC Service and Relief – Diakonia Department, Beirut’s Office, was able to inspire positive change, with the help of international partners. As such, Psychosocial sessions were given to these women as an attempt to mend wounds. They were divided into two categories: those that can attend art technique sessions, and those that need greater mental health intervention.
Following the Beirut Blast
MECC Gives Life Back to the Damaged Small Businesses
Beirut is a “stricken” city. This is what the Lebanon Defense Council declared the day after the Beirut Port disaster which occurred on August 4, 2020. Indeed, Beirut was crying out for help on various humanitarian, material and psychological levels… Emergency was declared in the country, and many associations and organizations have directly started work for the rescue of the Beirut wounded people. In fact, they lost their loved ones and everything they have in a moment.
The Middle East Council of Churches have rapidly launched two relief appeals and began field work in the capital’s neighborhoods, in order to heal the wounds of the Beirutis. The mission of the MECC Service and Relief – Diakonia Department, Beirut’s Office, included many types of aids such as distributing food, hygiene, and dignity kits, mattresses, diaper packs, unconditional vouchers, hygiene vouchers, and cash assistance…
In addition, the Diakonia Department launched a program for the rehabilitation of small businesses in Beirut, which witnessed significant damage.
Sewing Training Sessions to Empower Women
Due to the socioeconomic situation in Lebanon coupled with the prolonged crisis in the region, unemployment has hit a record high in the country, affecting women specifically. As a result, many were left jobless and without any sources of livelihood to consider nor any source of income. This is why the MECC Service and Relief – Diakonia Department, Beirut’s office, under the support of the international humanitarian organization Embrace the Middle East (EME), was compelled to launch Women Empowerment initiatives so that to mitigate economic burdens. Vocational training, a key element in this regard, would provide opportunities for the improvement of livelihood and therefore community resilience.
Ongoing Vaccination Campaign and Distribution of Medication with MECC
The Lebanese Health Sector Is Suffering
The Middle East Council of Churches continued, during the month of July, to vaccinate children and distribute medication which prices have skyrocketed in Lebanon. Thus, the Service and Relief – Diakonia Department, Beirut’s Office, is keen to accompany the neediest on the health side, at Our Lady Dispensary, affiliated to MECC and located in Sabtieh region. Beneficiaries visited the Dispensary and were tended to by dedicated doctors as per regular basis. In some cases, in which the beneficiaries are old and cannot leave the house, medications were distributed directly to their homes.
In fact, the health work of the Middle East Council of Churches is implemented at a time when the health sector in Lebanon is paralyzed due to the tighten financial conditions and the economic and health crises that have cast a shadow over all the state institutions. Therefore, the citizens were negatively affected and are not able to have access to health services.
Video - MECC Organized a WASH Campaign in Dara’a City, So How Is It Implemented?
The following report video, which was broadcasted on Sama TV, sheds light on the WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) campaign launched by the Diakonia and Social Service Department, at the Middle East Council of Churches, Syria’s Office, within the Cash for Work Program, aiming at supporting the local community and preserving the beauty and cleanliness of the city. The campaign included roads sweeping, removal and transportation of waste from the city entrances and squares, as well as removing the dry grass from the roads.