Sewing Training Sessions to Empower Women

Due to the socioeconomic situation in Lebanon coupled with the prolonged crisis in the region, unemployment has hit a record high in the country, affecting women specifically. As a result, many were left jobless and without any sources of livelihood to consider nor any source of income. This is why the MECC Service and Relief – Diakonia Department, Beirut’s office, under the support of the international humanitarian organization Embrace the Middle East (EME), was compelled to launch Women Empowerment initiatives so that to mitigate economic burdens. Vocational training, a key element in this regard, would provide opportunities for the improvement of livelihood and therefore community resilience.

From here on, came the Sewing Training sessions which involved women from different segments of society. Attendees were taught how to sew using machinery and fine pieces of cloths so that to create their own clothing, tablecloths, and accessories. They were also taught how to repair damaged clothes and other types of garments.  At the end of the sessions, they learned a new skill and are thus able to sell their own clothing while working from home. Now they can make their own money and be productive members of society.  


Standing together in Prayer


Standing together in Prayer