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The Weekly Meeting of the MECC General Secretariat Team Coincides with the Feast of Saint Joseph

Together we Pray and Work to Enhance the Ecumenical Spirit

The Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) General Secretariat continues its weekly meetings. This meeting, which constitutes a time for Prayer, reflection, and work, brings together colleagues with hearts filled with faith, hope, and determination to work together for the Ecumenical mission and the humanitarian service.

The last meeting, held by the MECC Secretary General Professor Michel Abs, on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, coincided with the Feast of Saint Joseph, the honest carpenter, the partner of Mary, and the righteous father who was distinguished by his humility, silence, and obedience. He is the Patron Saint of fathers and families, and he dedicated his life to service and acts of charity.

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The MECC General Secretariat Team Holds a Spiritual Retreat Hosted by the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate in Atchaneh

A Journey of Prayer and Lent Towards the Joy of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ

With the organization and invitation of the Theological and Ecumenical Department at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), headed by Fr. Antoine Al-Ahmar, and hosted by His Eminence Archbishop Mor Kyrillos Babi, the Patriarchal Vicar for the Syriac Orthodox Charitable Institutions in Atchaneh, the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate - Atchaneh hosted a Spiritual Retreat for the Council’s General Secretariat team headed by the Secretary General Professor Michel Abs, on Friday, March 14, 2025.

Alongside the Secretary General Professor Michel Abs, participants were the MECC Associate Secretary General Fr. Dr. Nicolas Bustros, the Director of the MECC Theological and Ecumenical Department Fr. Antoine Al-Ahmar, and colleagues from the Council's team in Lebanon.

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Weekly Meeting of the MECC General Secretariat Team

Continuous Prayers During the Blessed Season of Lent

In an Ecumenical spirit filled with fraternity and love, the family of the General Secretariat of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) lives the blessed Season of Lent by working and praying together on the intention of every person on this earth, during the meetings in which colleagues gather weekly to follow up on the developments of their work.

In this context, the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) Professor Michel Abs, presided over the latest weekly meeting on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at the MECC headquarters in Beirut, in the presence of the MECC General Secretariat team from various departments that strive to achieve the desired Ecumenical and humanitarian goals.

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An Environmental Day in the Bekaa Organized by the MECC Theological and Ecumenical Department

The Theological and Ecumenical Department at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) organized a new environmental day in the Bekaa, specifically in the Ablah village, on Saturday, February 1, 2025, as part of its “Season of Creation” program implemented by the department with the support of “Danmission” Organization.

The youth of the village and its residents from the three Parishes in the town participated in this activity. Local bodies and institutions also played a prominent role in preparing and inviting for this popular gathering. Among them were the Municipality, Parishes, civil defense, scouts, schools, and the “Think Environmentally” section at the Daher Foundation. The event coincided with an exceptional drought period that Lebanon suffered from, so it was an occasion to raise Prayers to God for the blessing of the year and rainfall. On the other hand, this day coincided with the eve of the Feast of Lights (February 2), which crowns the special environmental period, i.e. the forty days between Christmas and the Feast of the Entry of Jesus Christ into the Temple. There is an ancient tradition, whereby people on this occasion hold a popular procession in the streets, including singing and dancing, in addition to Worship ceremonies in the Churches.

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The Culmination of the Fiftieth Year of the Founding of the Middle East Council of Churches at the End of the Week of Unity at the First Armenian Evangelical Church in Beirut

With the blessing and presence of Reverend Dr. Paul Haidostian, President of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East (UAECNE), President of Haigazian University in Lebanon, and President of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) for the Evangelical Family, the UAECNE hosted an Ecumenical Prayer Service on the occasion of the ending of the "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity" 2025 entitled “Do you believe this?” (John 11: 26), in celebration of the conclusion of the Fiftieth Year of the Founding of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), as well as the announcement of the launch of the 1700th Anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea, on Saturday, January 25, 2025, at the First Armenian Evangelical Church - Kantari, Beirut.

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The MECC EcoJustice Unit Holds an Environmental Activity and a Christmas Celebration in the Egyptian Desert. Here Are the Details

As part of the "Season of Creation" and Environmental Days Celebrations in the Middle East, the EcoJustice Unit at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) prepared an environmental activity and a Christmas celebration in the Anafora Oasis on the Desert Road in Egypt.

For the occasion, the youth of Egypt, in coordination with the youth of the Coptic Orthodox, Catholic, Evangelical and Episcopal churches, the Ecumenical Youth Committee in Egypt and all other youth, celebrated the fourth day of Christmas and Epiphany on January 10, 2025, which is a great and wonderful Feast. Upon arrival, the youth were hosted with ecological welcome drinks.

Then, the Coordinator of the EcoJustice Unit Archdeacon Garen Yosolkanian, welcomed the active youth who are the pulse of life and the leaders of the present in developing the society and studies. He also welcomed the President of the Egypt Council of Churches Reverend Yeshua Yacoub, the Presidnet of the Ecumenical Youth Committee in Egypt Mr. Medhat Fayez, and all the officials and representatives of the Egyptian youth.

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The MECC EcoJustice Unit and the Church Youth Prepares an Environmental Day in Wadi El Natrun - the First Section of the Anafora Oasis

Under the title "Awareness Is One of the Foundations of Education and One of the Pillars of the Church Social Work", the EcoJustice Unit invited the Egyptian Church Youth to an environmental day in Wadi El Natrun in the first section of the Anafora Oasis, which helps a lot of young people to find their devotion in their lives.

In this context, the EcoJustice Unit at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) prepared a lecture on Environmental Theology and a celebration of the beginning of the year in the Eastern Julian tradition with His Eminence Bishop Thomas of Qusiya and Church personalities in Environmental Theology.

At the beginning of the discussion, Archdeacon Garen thanked His Eminence for his attendance at the celebrations of the Season of Creation and his continuous cooperation in the Middle East and the world.

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Ending of the "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity" 2025 at the First Armenian Evangelical Church - Kantari, Beirut

With love and one voice, the fragrance of hymns at the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity wafts through the voices of the Ecumenical choir which included members from different Church Families.

End of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

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A Prayer Service on the Occasion of the Opening of the "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity" 2025 at St. Ignatius of Antioch Church in the Syriac Catholic Patriarchate in Beirut.

We unite together in Prayer proclaiming “Merciful God, forgive us for the times we have failed to live a common life as Christians. Draw us more deeply to one faith in you so that we may witness to the world” (from the Prayer Service of the Week of Unity 2025).

Opening Ecumenical Prayer Service in celebration of the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity”, at St. Ignatius of Antioch Church in the Syriac Catholic Patriarchate in Beirut.

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Launching of the "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity" 2025 in a Prayer Service in Lebanon

The launching of the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity” 2025 in the Middle East, under the title “Do you believe this?” (John 11: 26). An Ecumenical Prayer Service is being held live from the Church of St. Ignatius the Antioch in the Syriac Catholic Patriarchate in Beirut, hosted by His Beatitude Patriarch Mor Ignatius Youssef III Younan, Syriac Catholic Patriarch of Antioch, and Honorary President of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), with the participation of the Heads of the Churches, and the presence of the MECC Secretary General Professor Dr. Michel Abs.

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The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025 in Lebanon

What Are the Celebrations that Will Be Held on the Occasion?

As we celebrate the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity” 2025, let us unite together in Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ, on the intention of Christian unity and for peace in the Middle East and the world, carrying this year’s theme “Do you believe this?” (John 11: 26).

Below you can find in Arabic the Prayer for Christian Unity.

Week of Prayer Booklet 2025 in Arabic and English

Program of the Celebrations in Lebanon

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The Middle East Council of Churches Celebrates the “Season of Creation” in Egypt

Together We Pray and Work to Preserve Our Common Home!

Due to the war that broke out in the fall season and disrupted life in the region, especially in Lebanon, the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) was unable to celebrate the Season of Creation during the traditional period from September 1 to October 4. Once the situation calmed down, the Program Coordinator Archdeacon Garen Yosolkanian, began organizing many celebrations and activities, during the Christmas period, starting from Egypt.

On December 27, 2024, which is the Sunday of the Righteous Saint, the Spouse of the Virgin Mary in the Byzantine Rite and the Sunday of the Genesis in the Coptic Rite, the first celebration of the Season of Creation 2024 in Egypt was held at the Church of the Virgin Mary and Mother Teresa for the Coptic Catholics in Ezbet El Nakhl. The celebration included an awareness campaign on the importance of the environment and a presentation of the changes that occurred in the areas of Ezbet El Nakhl, which lost its palm tree grove and consequently lost traces of the date tree, due to the lack of a pure approach to creation and local nature.

On December 29, 2024, a Liturgical celebration and a Prayer Service for the Season of Creation were held at the Evangelical Church of El Zahour, according to the Arabic text issued by the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC). It is worth noting that the Church is new, located in a city which is still under construction in El Zahour area. The celebration was led by Reverend Eid Salah, Reverend Jeremiah and the Church elders, in the presence of a crowd of believers from the area, including many young people and children, along with guests from Lebanon and the Head of the Ecumenical Youth Committee in Egypt.

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Youth Leadership Building in Lebanon

Ecumenical Youth Empowerment in a New Leadership Training: Together for a Better World!

In continuation of the Ecumenical Youth Camp “Youth Leadership Building" in Lebanon, the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) implemented a new training within this program, stemming from its belief in the importance of empowering youth and developing their capabilities. It was held on Saturday, December 7, 2024, at Moore Conference Center & Guesthouse in Mansourieh - Lebanon. Noting that the program was organized in partnership with Kerk in Actie (KIA) organization, Bible Society, Youth for Christ (YFC), and Ithraa Center in Lebanon.

Attendees were 36 youth and 11 leaders from different Church Families, who participated in the previous Ecumenical camp. The course comes at a time when young people face many challenges that may often hinder their usual activities. Therefore, this meeting aimed to develop the skills of the participants, motivate them to serve, and train them on the foundations of leadership, thus contributing to the formation of youth networks capable of making positive change in societies.

The course included various games that brought the participants closer together, as well as dynamic sessions that focused on leadership skills, as well as how to deal with crises and ways to work together to build a brighter future in peace.

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Churches in the Mediterranean: Addressing Desertification Through Responsible Banking

A Webinar Organized by the WCC

MECC Highlights the Church’s Response in the Region to the Environmental Crises

In a world burdened by environmental disasters that have cast their shadows on the planet, the World Council of Churches (WCC) held an international webinar entitled “Churches in the Mediterranean: Addressing Desertification Through Responsible Banking,” in order to raise awareness about the various environmental issues that threaten human life.

The webinar, which was held on Monday, December 9, 2024, featured speakers from Member Churches in the region, experts from the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) represented by Deacon Garen Yosolkanian, the Coordinator of the MECC Eco-Justice Unit, the Conference of European Churches (CEC), and All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC), as well as Dr. Mercedes Caron, Scientific Researcher at the European Forest Institute.

Attendees were also specialists and concerned participants from various countries around the world. The sessions focused on the issue of desertification in the Mediterranean region, its causes and repercussions, in addition to ways to confront it and reduce its negative effects. In this context, the speakers presented various facts and data about this worsening issue due to the ongoing increase of CO2 emissions, and how Churches respond to this problem.

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An Ecumenical Camp for Youth Leadership Building

Developing Youth Skills Towards Healthy Societies

They are the backbone of societies and an essential part for building a brighter future. They are also a source of vitality, health and well-being... They are the youth, carrying many energies and creativity with which they may benefit their communities and societies. However, young people today, in light of all the development that the world is witnessing amidst a wave of conflicts, are exposed to many challenges and difficulties that may limit their usual activity. Therefore, it has become necessary to care for them, educate them, develop their abilities, and protect them from all the pressures that surround them.

Hence, and in the context of supporting the youth, a new program was launched entitled “Youth Leadership Building”, which is a joint project organized by the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) in partnership with Kerk in Actie (KIA) organization, Bible Society, Youth for Christ (YFC), and Ithraa Center in Lebanon. The program aims to develop youth skills, motivate them to serve, and train them on the foundations of leadership. It also contributes to the formation of youth networks capable of making positive change in their communities.

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The Middle East Council of Churches Participates in the General Assembly of the “Danmission” Organization in Denmark

The Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), represented by Father Dr. Antoine Al Ahmar, the Director of the Theological and Ecumenical Department, participated in the General Assembly of the “Danmission” organization held in the Danish city of Nyborg, between 31 August and 1 September 2024.

The first meeting was with the “Danmission” Board, in the presence of the new Secretary General of the organization Mrs. Julie Koch, and the participation of representatives of the organizations invited to the General Assembly, including Reverend Dr. Andrea Zaki, President of the Evangelical Churches in Egypt and the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services, and Dr. Nayla Tabbara, Director of Adyan Foundation.

The General Assembly included a special session entitled “Tour of the World,” during which each of “Danmission’s” partners gave a presentation about the organizations and regions they represent, accompanied by the regional Directors of these regions. During this session, the part dedicated to the Middle East region was moderated by Mrs. Kristen Auken, the Director of the region in “Danmission”, where she highlighted the circumstances that the Middle East is passing through.

In his turn, Father Dr. Antoine Al Ahmar spoke about the history of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), its structure, goals, and the activities it implements, in addition to the experience of cooperation with “Danmission” and the aspirations for future joint work. He also talked about the situation of the Church in the region and the challenges it faces, especially in responding to the crises taking place in the Middle East.

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The Inauguration of the Halls of the Lady of Annunciation Church in Dara’a with the Support of MECC and “Kerk in Actie” in the Netherlands

With the blessing of His Beatitude Patriarch John X, Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All The East, and President of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) for the Orthodox Family, His Eminence Metropolitan Antonios Saad, the Metropolitan of the Archdiocese of Bosra, Hauran, and Jabal Al-Arab, inaugurated the halls of the Lady of Annunciation Church in the city of Dara’a, after MECC completed its rehabilitation work. 

The opening ceremony was attended by the MECC team, the Governor of Dara’a Loae Khareta, in addition to political and judicial figures, the members of the City Council, and a large gathering of residents.

The event began with a Prayer of Thanksgiving led by His Eminence Metropolitan Antonios Saad in the Lady of Annunciation Church, followed by a speech in which he thanked MECC for restoring the Church halls. Then, he made the inauguration and visited the halls with the attendees. As well as, His Eminence visited the office of MECC in Dara’a.

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Hope in the Face of Traumas Due to Wars and Conflicts

MECC Implements a New Session of the “Spiritual and Psychological Support” Program for Jordan and Palestine

Within the framework of the “Spiritual and Psychological Support” program implemented by the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), Theological and Ecumenical Department, in various countries of the Middle East, a new session of the program was dedicated for Jordan and Palestine, between 21 and 26 July 2024, at Theodor Schneller School - Amman.

The session, which was titled “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” (Mark 6: 31), was held at a time when the region is witnessing a series of wars, conflicts, and crises that have burdened the people of the East and disrupted their usual activities. Thus, that they became in dire need of spiritual and psychological accompaniment to help them restore hope to their lives.

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