O My World
Professor Michel Abs
The Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC)
How beautiful you are, in the glow of your piercing eyes, your welcoming face, and your tireless hands.
How wonderful you are, encompassing humanity’s suffering without moaning or complaint.
How exceptional you are, in your tenderness, your taste, and your embrace of those you know and those you do not.
How patient you are, so resilient, carrying us for months in your womb with joy and faith in the Lord’s gift.
How strong you are, never buckling beneath the treachery of time or the violence of fate.
How forthright you are, paving the way for your children and guiding them toward success.
How honorable you are, placing your own offspring on the path of righteousness, truth, and dignity.
How capable you are, combining your productive work with care for your family.
How courageous you are, defending what is right in the face of tyrannical power, thus embodying moments of true pride.
How gentle and gracious you are, filling the world with joy and delight.
Without your presence, the universe would be dark and ugly.
Without you, civilization, art, and culture would have a different flavor, even flavorless.
Without you, the world would simply not exist.
Without you, joy would vanish from the earth.
It is no coincidence that the Lord chose to incarnate His Son through you.
It is no coincidence that you were the one to receive the Annunciation.
It is no coincidence that you left the imprint of the Savior’s face on His cloth.
It is no coincidence that you carried the myrrh to the site of the Resurrection.
O school of life, O holy one, O object of our praise, O bride with no groom.
You, who wept for the Redeemer and knelt before His Cross, witnessing His departure to the Father.
You, who accomplish human miracles through love alone, pure, unadulterated love.
It is no coincidence that you have played decisive roles in human history.
It is no coincidence that you rock the cradle with your right hand, yet the world quakes with your left.
You, whose emotional intelligence surpasses all science, comprehending with your heart what a man cannot grasp with his mind.
Between International Women’s Day, the Feast of the Annunciation, and Mother’s Day, you fill our time with hope and aspirations for a better future.
Humanity can never honor you enough, O mother, O sister, O daughter, O beloved, O wife.
Humanity is ashamed, having awakened from its deep patriarchal slumber, realizing how it has tormented the very foundation of its own existence.
Humanity is ashamed of the discrimination and marginalization it inflicted upon you.
Humanity is ashamed when it understands it directed hateful discourse at you, disguised by all manner of justifications.
We can never apologize enough.
We cannot erase the offenses committed by the hands of social discrimination.
We can only seek your pardon through love.
To love you more, from the depths of our hearts, and with the utmost sincerity.
“My mother’s face, my nation’s face,” said one of this nation’s great minds.
And I say to you: My mother’s face, my world’s face!