The MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs Participates in a Farewell Meeting for Mrs. Patti Talbot
At the invitation of the United Church of Canada
Mrs. Patti Talbot with UCC general secretary Rev. Michael Blair and the moderator of UCC conference Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne
The United Church of Canada (UCC) organization, held on Thursday 9 May 2024, an online farewell meeting for Mrs. Patti Talbot, who retired after 30 years of working at the UCC and contributing to strengthening the ecumenical spirit. The Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) Dr. Michel Abs and the Director of the MECC Diakonia and Social Service Department Mr. Samer Laham, participated in the meeting.
During the gathering, Dr. Abs delivered a word in which he wished Mrs. Talbot good health and success, and said that the activists in the ecumenical movement cannot retire because they always listen to the call of Jesus Christ to help the heavy laden and destitute people and support them, in addition to working to achieve truth, justice, and peace.