A Mass on the Intention of Journalists and Media Workers on the World Communications Day at Our Lady Church - Amchit, Lebanon 

The Middle East Council of Churches Participates in it 

The Head of the Episcopal Committee for the Media Institutions and the Maronite Patriarchal Vicar of Jounieh His Eminence Bishop Antoine Nabil Al Andari, presided over a Mass in Our Lady Church in Amchit, Lebanon, on Sunday 12 May 2024, on the intention of journalists and media workers, on the occasion of the 58th World Communications Day. Noting that His Eminence was assisted by the Head of the Catholic Information Center Monsignor Abdo Abou Kasem, the Media Officer in the Maronite Diocese of Byblos Father Antoine Atallah, and the Parish Servant Father Charbel Al Khoury. 

The Mass was attended by the Bishop of the Maronite Diocese of Byblos His Eminence Bishop Michel Aoun, President Michel Sleiman, the Chargé d'Affairs of the Apostolic Nunciature​ ​ Monsignor Giovanni Bicchieri, representing the Apostolic Nuncio His Beatitude Cardinal Paolo Borgia, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Télé Lumière TV Mr. Jacques El Kallasi, a delegation from the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), political and social figures, media workers, journalists and believers. 

After the Gospel reading, His Eminence Bishop Antoine Nabil Al Andari delivered a sermon in which he spoke about the message issued by His Holiness Pope Francis on the occasion of the 58th World Communications Day, entitled “Artificial Intelligence and the Wisdom of the Heart: Towards a Fully Human Communication.” He said: “His Holiness has always rectified the Church’s teaching in the face of technological developments, including fake news and falsehoods. He addressed this topic recently, at least, in his messages to the General Assembly of the United Nations, the European Parliament, and the International Day of Peace.” 

He addressed media workers by saying: “Our call and message, as is known, is to respect and spread the truth, which is an Evangelical rule: “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” The call and message are growing in the use of the media and its influence on public opinion. Our Lebanese society and all societies have the right to a media based on truth, freedom, justice, solidarity and peacebuilding. The exercise of this right requires that the content of our media, through traditional means or through artificial intelligence, should be correct, truthful, decent, upright, accurate, and preserve moral rules and human rights and dignity. The beauty of truth stems from the wisdom of the heart.” 

At the end of the Mass, His Eminence Bishop Antoine Nabil Al Andari presented an appreciation shield to the Parish Servant, and Monsignor Abdo Abou Kasem delivered a speech of thanks in which he congratulated the media workers for their role and mission in conveying the news to citizens accurately and honestly. 

Afterwards, everyone moved to the Church hall for a vin d'honneur. 


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