Hope in the Midst of Hopelessness 

A Prayer Service Organized by Al Sabeel Center with the Participation of the MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs 

On the occasion of Easter according to the Eastern calendar and Ascension according to the Western calendar, Al Sabeel Center, which is an ecumenical theology movement in the Holy Land, organized an online prayer service, entitled “Hope in the Midst of Hopelessness,” on Thursday 9 May 2024. Participants were Church leaders, clergy, the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) Dr. Michel Abs, and guests. 

The prayer included readings and hymns, in addition to reflections in Arabic and English, addressed by His Beatitude Patriarch Michel Sabbah, former Patriarch of Jerusalem, Reverend Dr. Naim Ateek, Founder of Al Sabeel Centre, and His Eminence Archbishop Atallah Hanna, Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Sebastia. 

Following the prayer, the participants held a discussion about the difficult circumstances that Palestine and Gaza are going through, where the Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs spoke about the Middle East Council of Churches and its role in responding to the painful events taking place in Palestine and the work of the MECC media in shedding light on this reality. 


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