Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs and the MECC Mission Towards Christian Unity and Building Bridges on Suboro TV

On the occasion of the "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity", MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs was the guest of “Kel Yom Bi Yawmo” program (which means “Day by Day”) on Suboro TV, Wednesday 19 January 2022.

During the interview, Dr. Abs highlighted the mission of the Middle East Council of Churches and its ecumenical journey since its establishment, especially towards Christian Unity, in addition to the most prominent historical stations that the Council has passed through.

Dr. Abs also tackled the MECC role in building bridges between Christians and Churches, in the East and West, as well as the importance of the "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity" and its symbolism.

Here is the full video of the interview.


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