His Holiness Pope Francis’s Vocation Day message: Our mission is to be Christ’s presence to all
This news is shared from the website of Vatican News.
His Holiness Pope Francis releases his message for the upcoming World Day of Prayer for Vocations, and invites young people to listen to God’s voice in their hearts so they may be signs of His love for our world.
By Devin Watkins
As he recovers from bilateral pneumonia at Rome’s Gemelli Hospital, Pope Francis has released his message for the 62nd World Day of Prayer for Vocations, which falls this year on May 11.
Entitled “Pilgrims of Hope: The Gift of Life,” the Pope’s message recalls that every vocation—be it to ordained ministry, consecrated life, or the laity—should offer the world a sign of God’s hope for every person.
He noted that young people frequently feel dismay and confusion when they look to the future, given the background of insecurity, identity crises, unjust treatment of others, and general indifference.
“Yet the Lord, who knows the human heart, does not abandon us in our uncertainty,” said the Pope. “He wants us to know that we are loved, called and sent as pilgrims of hope.”
The Holy Father urged young people to look to the saints to recognize that they are the “now of God,” since youth is not an in-between time.
Every vocational call, he said, ignites in us a desire to love others and serve them, rather than a means of self-promotion.
At certain points in life, added the Pope, God calls people to choose a path, whether it be to family life, the priesthood, or religious life.
“Every vocation is inspired by hope, marked by confident trust in God’s providence,” he said. “Vocations mature through the daily effort to be faithful to the Gospel, and through prayer, discernment and service.”…
This news was originally published on the website of Vatican News, click here to read more.