The Coptic Orthodox Church Expresses Its Deep Disapproval And Denunciation of What Was Included in the Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympics

You can find below the statement issued by The Coptic Orthodox Church, headed by His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, expressing its deep disapproval and denunciation of what was included in the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.

The Coptic Orthodox Church, headed by His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, expresses its deep disapproval and denunciation at what was included in the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics, in which the scene of the Last Supper of the Lord Christ with His disciples was included. This is the event when the sacrament of the Eucharist was established; the oldest and most sacred sacrament and practice of the Church. The way this scene was presented seriously offends one of the main religious beliefs on which Christianity is based.

It is strange to see this scene at the opening of the Olympics, at a time when such actions contradict the Olympic Charter and its declared values, which call for respect of universal moral principles, the value of setting a good example, and respecting everyone without discrimination. We saw the opposite of this reflected in the aforementioned opening ceremony, in order to advance certain intellectual agendas that serve trends unrelated to sports, which should unite, not divide.

This insult requires a clear and serious apology from the organizing bodies of the Paris 2024 Olympics, to all Christians who were insulted by this disdainful scene, which marred what we thought was a global sporting event that would bring joy and happiness to the hearts of all participants and spectators, with sufficient guarantees that such offensive behaviors will not be repeated.

We pray that the Lord will preserve peace throughout the world and protect man and humanity from all evil.

Sunday 28th July 2024... 12th Abib 1740 A.M.

This statement was originally published on the Facebook Page of the Coptic Orthodox Church.


L'Église Copte Orthodoxe Exprime Sa Profonde Désapprobation et Sa Dénonciation De Ce Qui A Été Inclus Dans La Cérémonie D'ouverture Des Jeux Olympiques De Paris


Statement of the Chaldean Church Denouncing the Insult to Christianity During the Opening of the Olympics in Paris