‏The Twentieth Meeting of the International Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue Between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches

The twentieth meeting of the International Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches took place in Rome from January 22-26, 2024 and was hosted by the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity.

‏It was chaired jointly by His Eminence Cardinal Kurt Koch, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, and by His Grace Bishop Kyrillos, Coptic Orthodox Auxiliary Bishop in the Diocese of Los Angeles, California, USA.

Their Eminences Archbishops: Mor Justinos Boulos Safar, Patriarchal Vicar in Zahleh and Beqaa, and Mor Polycarpus Augeen Aydin, Patriarchal Vicar in The Netherlands, represented our Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch in the meeting, as well as representatives from the Catholic Church and from the Oriental Orthodox Churches.

‏The two delegations met separately on the morning of January 22. Plenary sessions were held from January 22 to 26, each day beginning with a brief prayer service based on material prepared for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

This news was originally published on the Facebook Page of the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate.


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