His Holiness Pope Tawadros II Consecrates St. Mary & Archangel Raphael’s Church, Al Jawaher, Alexandria

His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, consecrated on December 10, 2022, St. Mary & Archangel Raphael’s Church, Al Jawaher, Alexandria.

Upon his arrival at the Church, His Holiness the Pope removed the curtain from the commemorative plaque that dates its inauguration and took a memorial picture with the Bishops of the districts of Alexandria.

His Holiness then headed to the Church to begin the Prayers of consecration where His Holiness consecrated the main altar on the name of St Mary and Archangel Raphael, and the other two altars on the names of St. Mina and Pope Kyrillos and the other on the name of St. Abraam.

His Holiness Pope Tawadros II consecrated the Pantocrator icon and the iconostasis and the rest of the church icons. H.H. also consecrated an altar on the name of St. George at the bottom floor.

After the Prayer of Reconciliation, His Holiness then ordained a deacon with the name Deacon Abraam.

His Holiness mentioned that the month of Kiahk is the fourth of the Coptic months and has four features that help us get ready to welcome our Lord Jesus when He is born.

1. Bible reading: the Church reads the first chapter of the Gospel of St Luke throughout the Sundays of Kiahk because of the important events in it that represents a summary of mankind since Adam and Eve and were sent out of the garden of Eden with a promise of the coming One who will crush the head of the serpent so we were waiting for a Saviour of ma kind.

2. True Fasting: to be completely prepared like Moses the prophet who was prepared before receiving the Commandments, and fasting is to change the life, mind, heart and thoughts.

3. Praises of the heart: prepare through praises and melodies “My heart and tongue praises the Holy Trinity”, as the tongue transfers feelings from the mind to the heart which comes out as melodies because praises are the joy of the church…

This news was originally published on the Coptic Orthodox website. Please click here to read the full text.


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