Meeting of His Beatitude Patriarch John X, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, with Leaders of Christian Communities in Aleppo, Syria

On Monday May 3, 2021, Midday, His Beatitude Patriarch John X met with the leaders of the Christian sects/communities in Aleppo at the Salon of the Greek Orthodox Diocese, where the meeting was attended by the right Reverend, his grace Bishop John Gambert (Roman Catholic), Archbishop Massis Zoboyan (Armenian Orthodox), Bishop Boutros Marayati (Armenian Catholics), Bishop Antoine Odo (Chaldean), and Bishop Antoine Shahda (Syriac Catholics). In addition to the very rev. Archbishop Joseph Tobji (Maronite), Archbishop Boutros Kassis (Patriarchate of the Syriac Orthodox), the Rev. Pastor Haroutune Selimian (Protestant Armenians), and pastor Ibrahim Nsier (Arabic Evangelical Presbyterian Church), along with father Ibrahim al Sabbagh (leader of the Latin sect/denomination in Aleppo), in the presence of father Shukri Touma, the Secretary of the Christian sects/communities Council in Aleppo as well as a number of priests and deacons.

Important talks about church and social issues occurred, followed by an agape feast attended by the members of the People's Assembly: Ms. Mariette Khoury Abdullah, Mr. Pierre Marjana, Mr. ‎Jirayr Reisian, Mr. Abdou Sabbagh, and Dr. Lucy Aschenian.

This article was originally published on the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East’ Facebook page.


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