Decisions of the Holy and Sacred Synod of Jerusalem Patriarchate


On Monday, 11/24 May 2021, the Holy and Sacred Synod of Jerusalem Patriarchate met in an ordinary Session, chaired by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos, and   addressed pastoral and pilgrimage issues of the Patriarchate and made the following three decisions:

  1. Decided the upgrading to a Shrine of the Holy Monastery of Saint John the Baptist on the East Bank of the River Jordan, with the name “Pilgrimage Holy Monastery of Theophany”. The Monastery was constructed by the care and funding of Metropolitan Benedict of Diocaesarea.

  2. Decided the Ordination to Deacon and afterwards to Priest of Issa Ibrahim Hadad, in order to serve at the parishes of the Patriarchate’s flock in Jordan.

This article was originally published on the Jerusalem Patriarchate official website. Please click here to read the full text.


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