His Holiness Pope Francis’ November prayer intention: For those who suffer from depression

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His Holiness Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for the month of November, and invites everyone to pray for and be near those who suffer from exhaustion, burn-out, and depression.

By Devin Watkins

“Overwork and work-related stress cause many people to experience extreme exhaustion —mental, emotional, affective, and physical exhaustion.”

His Holiness Pope Francis opened the video accompanying his prayer intention for November with those words with which most people can probably identify.

His intention was released in this month’s The Pope Video, prepared by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network.

It comes as people living in the Northern Hemisphere enter the Autumn and Winter seasons, during which cooler weather is often accompanied by rainy days and more time spent indoors.

Silent listening

The Pope took note of that seasonal situation in his timely prayer intention.

“Sadness, apathy, and spiritual tiredness end up dominating people’s lives, who are overloaded due to the rhythm of life today,” he said.

Pope Francis thus encouraged everyone to reach out to those around us who are depressed, desperate, or without hope. And he advised against comforting others with too many words.

“Often,” he said, “we should just simply listen in silence, because we cannot go and tell someone, ‘No, life’s not like that. Listen to me, I’ll give you the solution.’”

“There is no solution,” remarked the Pope.

Jesus’ offer of comfort

However, he continued, besides “indispensable psychological counseling”, Jesus’ words can help us and others to find solace: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

With that advice in mind, Pope Francis wrapped up his prayer intention video message with a renewed invitation to assist those around us.

“Let us pray that people who suffer from depression or burn-out will find support and a light that opens them up to life,” he prayed …

This news was originally published on Vatican News website. Please click here to read the full text.


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