Video - Interview with Reverend Dr. Paul Haidostian During the Activities of the 77th General Assembly of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East 

In celebration of its 100th jubilee, the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East (UAECNE) held its 77th General Assembly under the theme “The Lord’s Prayer,” between 1 and 3 July 1 2024, in Beirut. It was inaugurated with a Celebratory Worship Service, on Sunday 30 June 2024, at the First Armenian Evangelical Church in Beirut. 

In this context, the report video presents a special interview with Reverend Dr. Paul Haidostian, President of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East (UAECNE), and President of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) for the Evangelical Family. 


Dr. Michel Abs Presents a Lecture entitled “Ecumenical Work and Rapprochement Under the Umbrella of the Middle East Council of Churches” at St. Mark’s Conference House – Cairo


We Bear Witness Together: to the Council of Nicaea, Which Brings Us Together as Diverse Churches - and to our Holy Bible