Dr. Michel Abs Presents a Lecture entitled “Ecumenical Work and Rapprochement Under the Umbrella of the Middle East Council of Churches” at St. Mark’s Conference House – Cairo

He Addresses the Students and Says: “

Your Role, From Generation to Generation, is to Establish a Change in Thinking Style and Mentality”

Cairo, July 11, 2024


The workshops of the second annual conference of Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East – A.T.I.M.E. culminated in a fruitful lecture presented by Dr. Michel Abs, the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), entitled “Ecumenical Work and Rapprochement Under the Umbrella of the Middle East Council of Churches” at St. Mark’s Conference House in the Obour area - Cairo. The conference is held with the participation of forty students, from many Churches and countries.

Alongside the students, participants in the lecture were the Rt. Reverend Archimandrite Jack Khalil, Dean of the Saint John of Damascus Theological Institute at the University of Balamand, Lebanon, and President of A.T.I.M.E., Father Dr. Michel Kanbar, Executive Secretary of A.T.I.M.E., Reverend Bishoy Helmi, Associate Executive Secretary of A.T.I.M.E., Reverend Dr. Samuel Rozfi, Co-Executive Secretary of A.T.I.M.E.

Attendees were also Dr. Gergis Saleh, the MECC Honorary Secretary General, Reverend Dr. Refaat Fikry, the MECC Associate Secretary General, Dr. Ishaq Ibrahim Ajban Shenouda from the Institute of Coptic Studies, and Dr. Michael Edward Abdo Mikhael from the Institute of Care and Education.

Following the welcome speech, Dr. Michel Abs presented an extensive lecture, which he started it by introducing the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), its establishment, goals, challenges, and various work programs that aim for cooperation and joint work in order to achieve human justice, enhance the Christian presence, and develop and support organized dialogue.

He also gave an explanation of the slogan of the MECC Fiftieth Year and the activities of this year at various levels.

Afterwards, Dr. Michel Abs presented a detailed study on consolidating and developing the Christian presence in the Middle East and delved into the topic of presence, testimony, and the role of Christians in the region. As well as, he talked about the concept of ecumenical work and its challenges and problems that arise in modern society, asking: What path should be taken? What is required to produce young ecumenical Church leaders? What is the importance of implementing programs related to ecumenism?

In addition, Dr. Michel Abs talked in his lecture about the human being and his fate in modern society, and how that human being is transformed the human being with means amidst the scourges of modern society.

He also stressed the importance of family upbringing and the positions of parents, who have a fundamental role in promoting the spirit of ecumenism. He said:"

If you are truly a Christian, you have no choice but to be an ecumenist. Your role, from generation to generation, is to establish a change in thinking style and mentality.”

At the end of the lecture, a fruitful discussion took place between Dr. Michel Abs and the participants.

Noting that the students began their day with a Prayer according to the ritual of the Catholic Church, which included Prayers of thanksgiving, reflections, and hymns.

This day also included elections for the regional student committees in the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East – A.T.I.M.E., in an atmosphere of love and fraternity.


Students Participating in the Second Annual Conference of the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East Declares to the MECC Media:


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