An Open Letter to the Incarnate Lord, Jesus Christ

Dr. Michel E. Abs

Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches

We have begun the third millennium of Your Incarnation, and the world is as it is. You are familiar with it as You came for it, O Master.

Humanity is in steady decline, as if it is in a backward-time slow race, steadily retreating towards states of primitiveness.

This world, in which Your Kingdom has never been established, denies itself when it denies Your values ​​and teachings.

All that which You had predicted, Lord Incarnate, we live today.

All the iniquities of the world, the humankind has displayed publicly, without shame or ignominy, boasting about them, driving people into a race to commit bad deeds.

The world drinks sin to intoxication while it is mired in sin and is so accustomed to it that it now considers it as the natural state of things.

Evil has become a point of view, harming others is an achievement, eradicating others is ingenuity.

The human race is lost.

Humanity today is witnessing a lack of humanness, and a gradual return to primitive states where the survival of the fittest prevails, even if it is engrossed in falsehood.

As for falsehood, we find it in all dimensions of our lives, including social, economic, cultural and even religious ones. It occupies the largest part of existence, wearing the robe of truth.

People got confused due to the abundance of hypocrisy and quackery, and many have embraced them to beautify falsehood setting it as the norm.

Corruption is rampant among human beings. Those who excel at justifying, explaining and vindicating it excel in adopting it.

The darkness of our condition, O Master, can only be dispelled by the splendor of Your Light.

You who got incarnated and walked among the wolves, You did not heed their fangs snapping You. Thus, You  continued your path until the fulfillment You had intended for it and which was to save the children of mankind.

And so we got to a stage  in which shame became added to shame, corruption added to corruption, hypocrisy added to hypocrisy, loss added to loss, and the chain of evil has no end.

The life of fraud, deceit and treachery is now endured by people in their daily lives so much so that they became familiar with it, and became resigned to coexist with each other, accepting it in practice as the best rule for relations between people.

Those who speak the truth are humiliated, marginalized, persecuted, and thrown as prey to the beasts of the jungle.

It is no longer correct to say that people are brothers with the exception of referring this saying to small elites who oppose the current of greed and lethality.

Vampires hide behind titles, bombast, and pompous appearances, impersonating people who have nothing in common with them.

Cheating is art, misleading is cunning, and victory crowned with meanness is greatness.

Wo to you O sick humanity, as you dance on the fading remnants of your soul rejoicing at the annihilation of your present as well as of your future.

The world, as it bears the meaning of its name, the “down-there”, is no longer a safe place for the honorable ones to live in.

Honorable people are outcasts, 0 Lord. They struggle against the tempests of evil, the fire of evil, and the treacherousness of deceit.

Whoever is guided by the values ​​and teachings that Your Incarnation embodied and has solid faith in Your saving faith will not be tempted by the corruptions of this world, but he will not be spared the harm of the wicked.

Whoever embraced what You were embodied for, will not be tempted by the corruption and ugliness of this world, so he rejected it and remained in his struggle, regardless of the consequences and indifferent to the sacrifices.

Whoever embraces what You have said and done has been trying to deliver to this world the word of truth that liberates.

Challenges with no equal face whomsoever proclaims that falsehood is erroneous, and that crookedness is deception.

These challenges were accepted by those who embraced You as Master, Savior and Redeemer.

These challenges make all the difference between slavery and freedom, between a stand of honor and a kneeling humiliation.

With Your humble Incarnation and boundless devotion, you have charted for mankind the path of salvation and dignity.

May it adopt it as a yardstick for its lifestyle!


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