Momentum, the Weekly Newsletter from the Middle East Council of Churches

In the new issue of the weekly newsletter Momentum issued by the Middle East Council of Churches, Communication and Public Relations Department, the MECC Secretary General mourns passing of His Eminence Bishop Anba Kyrillos William, Honorary Bishop of the Coptic Catholic Diocese of Assiut, and member of the Middle East Council of Churches’ Executive Committee, in a letter of condolence he addressed it to His Beatitude Patriarch Anba Ibrahim Isaac, Coptic Catholic Patriarch of Alexandria, and Head of the Council of Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops in Egypt. As for the weekly message of Dr. Abs, it is entitled “The Challenges of Religion in Relation to Authority”. Dr. Abs highlighted these challenges and talked about the methods of immunization that can enable religion to assume the social responsibilities entrusted to it.

The issue also presents an episode for the MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs on Télé Lumière and Noursat, in which he was the guest of the journalist George Rashed. During the episode which was entitled “One Holy Universal Church” within the program “Between Yesterday and Today”, Dr. Abs highlighted the MECC mission and its Ecumenical and humanitarian role in the Middle East. He also talked about the One Church of Christ and the Christian Unity which is awaited since decades, denouncing the historical divisions that prevent achieving this unity.

As well as, the issue includes a news about the visit of Mr. Massoud Hafnaoui, President and Co-Founder of “Attalaki” organization in Tunisia, and Ms. Roua Tlili, Assistant Program Coordinator at the organization, to the offices of the MECC General Secretariat in Beirut, on Thursday 11 May 2023. They were received by the MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs.

You can also find many reports issued by MECC after the earthquake, under the name of "Rescue Syria Update" which will keep you informed about the developments of MECC action as well as the overall situation in a context analysis perspective. The MECC will be also publishing other periodical and updated reports. This is in addition to a photo album showing the difficult humanitarian situations in Syria.

Moreover, the issue presents the Ecumenical Calendar for May 2023 issued by the Middle East Council of Churches, Communication and Public Relations Department, Ecumenical reports, the weekly Prayer, videos, and news of the Middle Eastern Churches.

Additionally, the issue presents a socio-economic overview of the Middle East during April 2023 and the latest updates of the Coronavirus in the region.


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