Father Tanios Khalil Taking About Christian Unity and Dialogue on Voice of Van

As part of the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity” 2022 activities, Father Tanios Khalil, President of the Association of Faculties and Institutes of Theology in the Middle East related to the Middle East Council of Churches, and member of the Episcopal Committee for Ecumenical Relations for the Council of Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops, was the guest of “Kel Yom” (which means “Everyday”) program on Voice of Van radio channel, prepared and presented by Hala Haddad, on Monday 17 January 2022. During the interview, Father Khalil highlighted the Week of Prayer and its symbolism, and tackled the importance of dialogue for the sake of human service and building bridges between the believers.


Between January 18 and 25


Noursat and MECC in a Special Episode About the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity