HE Archbishop Georges Assadourian Highlighted the Symbolism of Praying for Christian Unity on OTV



On the kick-off of the "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity" 2022, the Patriarchal Vicar of the Armenian Catholic Church His Eminence Archbishop Georges Assadourian was the guest of the morning show “Yom Jdid” (which means “New Day”) on OTV, on Monday 17 January 2022 to discuss about the week of prayer and the importance of Christian Unity. Assadourian also highlighted the activities of the week of prayer that have been launched in the East during an ecumenical prayer service at the Cathedral of St. Elias and St. Gregory the Illuminator for the Armenian Catholic Church in downtown Beirut. As well as, he tackled the theme and content of this week’s booklet that was prepared this year by the Middle East Council of Churches.

Here is the full video of the interview.


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