The Service and Relief Department, Beirut office, Contributes in Raising Awareness About Gender Base Violence

Nowadays, societies are suffering from an increase in the percentage of all kinds of violence, physical, sexual, psychological and social... especially during the lockdown period imposed by the Coronavirus and amidst the exacerbation of various crises. Therefore, the Service and Relief Department - Diakonia, Beirut office, organized many awareness courses for women and children in order to train them on how to confront violence and prevent it.


In this context, Our Lady Dispensary team, affiliated to the Middle East Council of Churches and located in Sabtiyeh - Lebanon, implemented 4 awareness sessions in which 24 women participated, and 8 other sessions for 160 women, which focused on gender based violence and how to avoid it. During it they exchanged their experiences and expressed their concerns and fears. The sessions also included a presentation of the violence’s types, causes and repercussions, and at its end the beneficiaries received awareness leaflets with the names of organizations specialized in gender base violence, so they could contact them in case of any such incident.

In addition, 24 children benefited from 4 sessions on the same topic, during which sensitive issues they may face in society or at home were discussed and highlighted, such as types of touch, whether good or bad, talking to strangers, accepting gifts from people they do not know, and bullying...

Noting that this program was achieved with the support of the two international humanitarian organizations, Mennonite Central Committee U.S. – MCC and Norwegian Church Aid – NCA.


MECC Coronavirus (COVID 19) Weekly Report


Family, the Joy of Life