Video - Message from the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches Dr. Michel Abs for the Occasion of the World Environment Day

On the 5th of June every year, people all over the world celebrate the “World Environment Day”. The environment, however, has become threatened due to various factors that may have negative repercussions on human life. For this reason, it has been a major concern for the Church and various international Ecumenical institutions, over the past decades.

For this occasion, the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches Dr. Michel Abs issued a message entitled “Announcing environmental activities for the Middle Eastern Churches and their council, June 5th, World Environment Day”. He focused on many topics such as preserving the environment, the Church and Ecumenical institutions role towards it, and revealed the Middle East Council of Churches’ work in translating the global booklet “'Season of Creation” into Arabic.

Dr. Abs started his message, highlighting the celebration of World Environment Day this year, which will be held in Pakistan, under the initiation of “Ecosystem Restoration”. In addition, he discussed the Church role in this context, claiming that "it cannot stand and watch man destroy his natural surroundings, the environment that the Creator has endowed him with, in order to grow and live”. As well as he explained that the ecumenical world has also witnessed “the birth of Environmental Theology and the Green Church”.

Dr. Abs has also revealed the release of special booklet entitled “Season of Creation” - Celebration Guide to 2021 - A Home for Everyone? Renew Oikos God or house of God, which was prepared by several international Ecumenical institutions, and which the Middle East Council of Churches is translating into Arabic. It will be taken as a guide for activities that the Council will launch and supervise during the period called “the season of creation,” which extends from the first of September to the fourth of October. It includes prayers, meditations and seminars aimed at raising the level of environmental awareness for a better tomorrow for future generations” and will be printed and distributed upon completion of the translation process.

Dr. Abs ended his message saying “the Middle East Council of Churches is also concerned with rural development and agricultural growth” revealing its preparations “to launch a number of agricultural projects in various regions of the Middle East according to the availability of human capabilities …”. He added “Be with us on time, with the environment and with the earth, to preserve those who live in it!”


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