MECC Coronavirus (COVID 19) Weekly Report

MECC Covid-19 Weekly Report


Humanitarian Update No. 32

Reporting period: from the 26th of October to the 1st of November 2020 

Coronavirus cases: 5789          Active cases: 3476          Recovered: 2021            Deaths: 292 [1]



  • In GoS-controlled areas of the country,(as of 1 November), the Syrian Ministry of Health (MoH) reported 5789 Laboratory-confirmed cases, 292 fatalities, and 2021 Recoveries.

  • 5789 laboratory-confirmed cases have been reported by the Syrian MoH : 1636 in Damascus; 1246 in Aleppo; 774 in Homs; 608 in Rural Damascus; 515 in Lattakia; 271 in Tartous; 213 in Hama; 191 in As-Sweida; 187 in Dar’a; 90 in Quneitra 35 in Al-Hasakeh; 16 in Deir-Ez-Zor and 7 in Ar-Raqqa .

  • As of 27 October, the MoH reported around 47,500 tests have been conducted by the Central Public Health Laboratory (CPHL) in Damascus and the public health laboratories in Aleppo, Lattakia, Rural Damascus and Homs.

  • In Northeast Syria, as of 27 October, authorities (NES) have reported 4,164 cases (2,756 in Al-Hasakeh, 587 in Aleppo, 757 in Ar-Raqqa, and 64 in Deir-ez-Zor), including 112 fatalities and 672 recoveries. Healthcare workers have also been affected, with 435 reported cases.

  • Border crossings remain impacted as Syria and neighboring countries continue implementation of precautionary measures. In NES and NWS, most of border crossing points are reported opened for commercial, military and humanitarian movements.


Preparedness and response

  • During the reporting period, new Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) -supported radio and television spots highlighting key preventive measures, including on proper use of masks and effective hygiene practices, continued to be broadcast.

  • Following the widespread wildfires in the coastal regions, WHO-supported medical teams provided additional awareness-raising on COVID-19 in Homs and Hama governorates. WHO also continued technical support for the MoH COVID-19 Dynamic Infographic Dashboard for Syria, in Arabic and English.

  • More than 300 volunteers were engaged in activities in all governorates to promote Global Hand Washing Day, with an emphasis on COVID-19 prevention. Oxfam reported a number of Global Handwashing Day outreach activities, including in Rural Damascus, Deir-Ez-Zor and rural Aleppo, including direct engagement with mothers and children, and distribution of IEC materials. UNICEF also supported two five-day trainings on RCCE for 50 health educators in Lattakia and Tartous, and continued their ongoing RCCE efforts, including using edutainment and a mobile van to disseminate messages, including in particular in Aleppo, where more than 26,000 individuals in the most vulnerable communities were reached on key messages, including on combating social

  • In NES, in Al-Hol camp, a community rapid assessment exercise utilizing 80 volunteers reaching 9,776 households concluded, with data currently under analysis. Humanitarian partners also continue to support initiatives to promote mask compliance, including production of cloth face masks and related awareness campaigns, with plans in the coming month to produce 50,000 cloth face masks a week as part of a campaign to promote 100 per cent compliance in health facilities. Moving forward, partners plan to expand this initiative to teachers.

  • To enhance surveillance efforts, within the reporting period, WHO supported training of 37 rapid response teams (RRT) personnel from all 14 governorates, and a three-day workshop for 30 surveillance officers. WHO is also continuing technical support to strengthen the existing surveillance system by developing an electronic surveillance platform for COVID-19.

  • RRTs continue to collect and deliver samples to the CPHL or regional laboratories in Aleppo, Homs and Lattakia with WHO support. As of 28 October, approximately 31,471 samples had been collected from thirteen governorates since mid-March, including 231 samples from Al-Hasakeh, 84 from Deir-Ez-Zor and 13 from Ar-Raqqa.

  • Within the reporting period, WHO delivered a further 5,800 medical masks to partner Al Birr in Hama for health workers; 6,000 N95 masks and 30,000 protective gowns to isolation centers in Homs, Aleppo and Lattakia; and 2,500 goggles, 80 alcohol hand-rubs, and 4,500 face shields in Damascus. To date, WHO has delivered more than 6 million PPE items.

  • In the reporting period, UNFPA procured and delivered over 515,000 various items of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to partners, including medical masks, latex gloves and disposable gloves, in addition to over 6,000 bottles of disinfectants and surface sanitizers, and alcohol-based hand sanitizers and gels. Further, 12 waste bins and 375 boxes of nitrile gloves were delivered. UNFPA further provided implementing partners, including in Hama and Al-Hasakeh, additional PPE, 30,600 antiseptic soap bars and over 50,000 hygiene COVID-19 kits.

  • UNICEF continued operation and maintenance of WASH infrastructure (including the provision of 932 tons of sodium hypochlorite for water disinfection during the reporting period) across the country.

  • WHO supported training-of-trainers sessions for 135 school health doctors in Damascus, Tartous, Hama and Aleppo, and further supported the delivery of IPC/PPE items, 40 infrared thermometers, for medical teams working with the MoE.

  • UNICEF continued to support delivery of 23,000 Infection prevention and control (IPC) and cleaning items to 11,500 schools across the country, including, in coordination with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC), delivery of 20,000 soap bars to students in Deir-Ez-Zor and surrounding communities. Additionally, UNICEF supported water trucking to 48 schools in East Ghouta and ten schools in northern rural Aleppo. Oxfam distributed soaps to 100 students in Deir-Ez-Zor as part of Global Handwashing Day.

  • The Syrian Society for Social Development reported carrying out several disinfection campaigns in Damascus and Rural Damascus, including in schools, mosques, and other public areas. Oxfam also reported distribution of 1,900 family hygiene kits, 500 child hygiene kits and 4,830 mini kits in various locations in Aleppo. UNFPA further reported distribution of 69 Protection Dignity Kits and 66,012 packs of sanitary napkins to pregnant and lactating women in Al-Hasakeh, in addition to assistance, with WFP and UNICEF, to support women to buy hygiene items that they may need in Dar’a.

  • In the reporting period, UNICEF continued to support water trucking in East Ghouta, and support emergency water trucking to Al Hol camp and Al-Hasakeh city, five camps in northern rural Aleppo, and Al Zhouria in Homs (more than 2,600m3 per day). In addition, UNICEF commenced provision of 150m3 per day to targeted communities in Rural Damascus. UNDP also continue to support rehabilitation of seven pumping stations and 26 wells and the provision of dosing pumps to ensure water quality in Al-Hasakeh Governorate.

  • UNHabitat distributed 30 steel solid waste containers to six municipalities in Rural Damascus for upcoming activities. UNRWA continued to support essential WASH services to Palestine refugees in ten accessible camps. Sterilization also continued, with a focus on markets, crowded areas and schools. Distribution of PPE to 125 sanitation laborers continues as a priority. Further, UNFPA supported training on making detergents in Homs, with subsequent distributions to the community.[2]

MECC Covid-19 weekly report - Syria

Lebanon: COVID-19

Humanitarian Update No. 29

Reporting period: from the 24th of October to the 2nd of November 2020  

Coronavirus cases: 82,617          Deaths: 643          Recovered: 42,904



  • During this reporting period, Lebanon registered a new record of 1933 cases per day on the 29th of October.

  • Lebanon during this period, registered an average of 1456 cases per day.

  • As corona cases continue to rise, the Lebanese government is obliging more areas to be put under lockdown.

Updated Measures

  • The Ministry of Interior and Municipalities issued Decision No. 1334 on 10/23/2020 to amend Resolution No. 1258 related to the continued closure of some villages and towns due to the high number of corona infections in them, based on the recommendations of the small committee of the Committee for Follow-up of Measures and Preventive Measures of Coronavirus.

  • All establishments in Baalbek-Hermel governorate were closed from 10/31/2020 until 08/11/2020, with restaurants committing 50% of their capacity as well as the possibility of complete closure in the event of an increase in the number of Coronavirus

  • The Ministry of Education and Higher Education issued Decision No. 498 / M / 2020 on 10/23/2020, which provides for the amendment of Decision No. 463 / M / 2020 on 10/9/2020 so that teaching begins in kindergartens in kindergartens and schools in formal education for the academic year 2020-2021, on Mondays 11/2/2020 instead of Mondays 10/26/2020.


Preparedness and response

  • The Ministry of Health continued to prepare an intensive care unit for Corona patients at Al Minya Hospital, to be opened next week.

  • The Committee for Follow-up of Preventive Measures and Procedures for Coronavirus issued from the meeting held on the 10/30/2020 a new set recommendations.

  • The Minister of Public Health in the caretaker government, Dr. Hamad Hassan, inaugurated new wards to treat corona patients at Al Rayan Hospitalc and Mayyas Hosital Chtoura.

  • The Minister of Public Health in the caretaker government, Dr. Hamad Hassan, inaugurated the Quarantine Facility in Arabsalim.

  • Archbishop Darwish of the Melkite Catholic church, inaugurated a new ward to treat corona patients at Tal Chiha Hospital.

  • The Ministry of Health signed an agreement with the International Red Cross and the Internal Security Forces, with the aim of allocating a wing in the "Dahr Al-Basheq Governmental Hospital", and later in other hospitals, for detainees and prisoners with Corona whose health condition requires so.

[1]  Microsoft power MOH, 1 Nov

[2]  SYRIA, COVID-19Humanitarian Update, As of 29 October2020


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