Christmas Message 2024 from His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II
"In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him" (1 John 4: 9)
Our beloved Children in Christ,
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
“In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him.” (1 John 4: 9)
This year, the star of the Nativity shines once again over our Orient – a region burdened by suffering, weary from wars, and overwhelmed by uncertainty and fear of the unknown. Yet it shines brightly, proclaiming the miraculous birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, a birth that took place over two thousand years ago as a message of salvation for all humanity. The birth of our Lord Jesus reveals the boundless mercy and infinite love of God the Father, renewing within us the reason for hope (1 Peter 3:15). It radiates light to the farthest reaches of the earth, dispelling the darkness of fear and filling the hearts of those who have suffered torment, injustice, and oppression with a longing for a new and better life. This divine incarnation is a pathway of freedom for all who reject bondage, a voice of truth for the oppressed, and a beacon of life for those who seek it. It heralds the arrival of the Lord of Life, Jesus Christ, who proclaimed: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14: 6).
The birth of Christ is an invitation to embrace a better way of living, one founded on peace and crowned with joy, joy that cannot be taken away from us. This joy announced by the angels to the shepherds on that holy night was promised to us by our Lord who said: “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10: 10). In the face of the fears and challenges that surround us, whether in the East, where we struggle to maintain our very existence, or in the West, where we encounter trials that test our faith, God the Father’s endless mercy offers humanity once again the cure for life: His incarnate Word, the child Jesus Christ…
Christmas Message 2024
from His Beatitude Patriarch John X
By the mercy of God Almighty,
His Beatitude Patriarch John X,
Patriarch of Antioch and All the East,
My brethren, shepherds of the holy Church of Antioch,
and my beloved sons and daughters, wherever you may be in the bounds of this Apostolic See:
"The peoples were enrolled by the decree of Caesar, but we, the faithful, have been inscribed in the name of Your divinity."
With these words, penned by the hymnographer Kassiani, the Holy Church invites us to reflect on the Nativity of Christ. It calls us to contemplate the condescension of God the Word during those days when a census of the whole world was ordered. This event, placed before us by the Church, becomes an invitation to enroll ourselves—heart and soul—in the name of Christ. It invites us to belong to Him alone, to be witnesses to His love, witnesses to the greatness of His condescension, witnesses to His Gospel, witnesses to His divinity—a divinity that did not disdain to descend and address a creation that It loved, a humanity fallen in its pride and cast from its glory, only to be met by a Savior who restores it to its former glory…
His Holiness Pope Francis Appoints Father Iyad Twal as Auxiliary Bishop for Jordan
The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem is grateful to the Holy Father, Pope Francis, for the appointment of Fr. Iyad Twal as Auxiliary Bishop.
The date and place of his Episcopal Consecration shall be communicated soon. Please keep the Bishop elect in your prayers.
Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her (Is. 66,10)
Dearest brothers and sisters,
may the Lord give you peace!
With gratitude and joy I announce to you that the Holy Father, Pope Francis, has designated Fr. Iyad Twal as Auxiliary Bishop for the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, and has assigned him the Titular See of Siminina. Strengthened by the fullness of priestly ministry, the Bishop-elect shall begin a new mission as Patriarchal Vicar for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
Fr. Iyad was born and raised in Jordan, but has served the Church of Jerusalem extensively in a variety of roles. In recent years he has been especially focused on teaching and administration in the field higher education at Bethlehem University. After years of priestly ministry, he is now called from the very heart of the Mother Church to be a Successor of the Apostles with the mandate to teach, govern and sanctify the People of God…
Meditation of His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa: IV Sunday of Advent, C
Lk 1:39-45
Today’s Gospel passage (Lk 1:39-45) tells us about the encounter between Mary and her cousin Elizabeth: Mary has just received the announcement from the angel Gabriel and immediately sets off (“In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the hill country” - Lk 1:39).
The first element we take from this passage is precisely this: the Lord Jesus, who has just been conceived in his mother’s womb, sets off at once. That is, he begins to do what He will do throughout his earthly life, from the moment of his baptism. He will go to meet people, to bring salvation, to proclaim the Kingdom of God, his ultimate closeness to people. And not only that. He sets out to meet those who welcome him and make him part of their lives.
Mary, who welcomed the Lord, actually sets out on the way. The life of those who listen, of those who welcome, is a life that takes the risk of movement, of change. The listener cannot remain as before.
Christmas Message 2024 from His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Louis Raphaël Sako
“Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth” (Luke 2/14)
It is nothing but words of hope from heaven for the future of fatigued humanity
In the midst of the current exceptional situation that the nations of our region are experiencing with anxiety and fear, Christians are preparing to celebrate the birth of Christ, the birth of hope, fraternity values, love, peace, security and goodness for all. The mission of Christ was and still is for humanity to be more honest living in an environment well-intentioned for human dignity. In other words, we should re-born from God to initiate a new journey.
While the Chaldean Church does not hide its concern and fears regarding what is happening, it confirms that Christmas prayers are for peace and security in the region and around the world. Also, it expresses its solidarity with all those living in difficult and apprehensive circumstances as well as the humanitarian needs in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and elsewhere.
A Christmas Message in the time of anticipation of change in Syria from the President of the Evangelical Community in Syria and Lebanon Rev. Joseph Kassab
To the Evangelical Community in Syria
On this joyous occasion of Christmas, we cannot but share our exhilaration with all Syrians as they look forward to the birth of a new Syria—a dream we have long cherished and continue to strive for.
“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” This Christmas greeting and its message of hope extend to all humanity. The Gospel of Christ offers a vision of peace that is far more profound than the mere cessation of wars and conflicts. It embodies comprehensive peace that nurtures human life, the well-being of communities, and the flourishing of societies. It is the Lord’s promise that, through Jesus Christ, born in a humble manger, we are granted new beginnings of salvation, graced by God’s mercy and forgiveness.
Christmas Message 2024 from His Beatitude The Patriarch Of Jerusalem Theophilos III
Glory in the highest to God in Trinity,
through Whom His goodwill is revealed to men,
that as the friend of man
He may deliver Adam from the ancestral curse.
(Troparion of the Sixth Hour of Christmas Eve)
This joyful message of the redemption of the human race is experienced during the holy days of the Twelve Days of Christmas, particularly on this most solemn night, as the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ proclaims to its faithful and announces to the whole world.
It offers glory, thanksgiving, and praise to the Triune God in the highest, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, for His benefaction to the human race. Through the granted forgiveness and redemption from the curse, namely the curse pronounced upon man because of the fall and transgression of the First Father, one man’s sin brought darkness, confusion, decay, and death, which prevailed over all mankind. Man, as exiled from Paradise, became a plaything of the devil’s power, being dragged by him into works of corruption, unable to gaze upon the face of his Creator.
His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa’s Visits Cyprus: “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord"
In a historic visit to Cyprus, His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, conducted his first visit to the Catholic Community in Cyprus following his election as cardinal. During his visit from Saturday, December 14th to Sunday, December 15th, Cardinal Pizzaballa shared in the pastoral life of the local Catholic community and celebrated Mass with the faithful of Cyprus.
The Cardinal was warmly welcomed by Msgr. Bruno Varriano, the Patriarchal Vicar of Cyprus, along with several other local priests. His visit marked a significant moment of spiritual fellowship for Cyprus Catholic population.
His Holiness Pope Tawadros II Meets Small Business Owners as Part of the Saint Mark Humanitarian Program
On Saturday December 14, 2024, His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, welcomed a group of small business owners whose projects were implemented with the support of the Papal Office for Projects under the Saint Mark Humanitarian Assistance Program.
His Holiness praised the importance of small businesses, emphasizing their role in generating income and achieving self-sufficiency for families. He noted that such initiatives not only benefit individuals but also contribute significantly to strengthening the national economy. Pope Tawadros highlighted the need for perseverance, conscientious effort, and determination to achieve sustainable success that benefits individuals, families, and the nation as a whole.
His Holiness also pointed out that China, the world's largest exporter, achieved its success through small businesses. He encouraged project owners to be patient, determined, and strive for excellence to help make Egypt a leader in small-scale industries.
His Beatitude Patriarch John X Receives his Excellency Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis
Beirut, December 16, 2024
His Beatitude Patriarch John X, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East for the Greek Orthodox Church, and President of the Middle East Council of Churches for the Orthodox family, welcomed his Excellency Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who was heading a Greek governmental delegation, at the Archdiocese of Beirut and its Dependencies in Ashrafieh. The meeting was attended by His Eminence Elias Audi, Metropolitan of Beirut and its Dependencies.
During the meeting, both sides discussed the historical relations between Greece and the Church of Antioch. They also addressed the general situation in the region, including the aftermath of the war in Lebanon and the developments unfolding in Syria. The Prime Minister reaffirmed Greece’s steadfast support for the Church of Antioch and for the Christian presence in the Middle East in general. He also emphasized his country’s commitment to strengthening the ceasefire agreement in Lebanon.
Sermon of His Beatitude Patriarch John X for Sunday’s Liturgy in the Church of the Holy Cross Al-Qassaa
" Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong, Let all that you do be done with love" (1 Cor. 16:13-14). With these words, I begin, and with these words, I address our dear children in this cherished homeland. I extend my hand to yours during these delicate times, so that together, we may place our hope in the Almighty Creator, the Father of Lights and God of all consolation, to wipe away every disturbance from our hearts, crown them with His holy hope, and strengthen us to seek a better tomorrow.
Meeting of their beatitudes Patriarchs at the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate
Damascus, December 14, 2024
His Beatitude Patriarch John X, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, and President of the Middle East Council of Churches for the Orthodox Family, met with His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East and Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church, and Honorary President of the Middle East Council of Churches, and His Beatitude Patriarch Joseph Absi, Patriarch of the Greek Catholic Church, and Honorary President of the Middle East Council of Churches, at the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in Damascus.
Christmas 2024 Message From Their Beatitude the Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem
In the midst of these dark days of continuing conflict and uncertainty in our region, We, the Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem, remain steadfast in proclaiming to our local congregations and the wider world the eternal Christmas message of the True Light shining in the darkness: the birth of our Lord Jesus in Bethlehem (John 1:5).
For in Christ’s Nativity, the light of God’s salvation first came into the world, enlightening all who would receive Him, both then and now, and offering them “grace upon grace” to overcome the dark forces of evil that ceaselessly conspire to bring about the destruction of God’s creation (John 1:16).
His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II holds a meeting with their Eminences the Archbishops of the Syriac Orthodox Archdioceses in Syria and the Patriarchal Departments
about the latest developments and changes that Syria is experiencing
Upon his return to the Patriarchate’s headquarters in Damascus after cutting short his apostolic visit to India, His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East and Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church, and Honorary President of the Middle East Council of Churches, held an online meeting with their Eminences the Archbishops of the Syriac Orthodox Archdioceses in Syria and the Patriarchal Departments, on the evening of Thursday December 12, 2024, to discuss the latest developments and changes that our country Syria is currently experiencing. The meeting started with a prayer for Syria and for all its people. The Church Fathers then discussed the security situation in the country, and the results of the meetings of their Eminences the Archbishops in Damascus, Homs and Aleppo, as well as priests in various parishes, with the representatives of the leadership of the Syrian revolution, including politicians, military officials, clerics and others.
Following the meeting, the Patriarchate issued a statement which you can read it by clicking here.
Statement issued by the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East about the latest developments and changes that Syria is experiencing
Damascus – December 12, 2024
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4: 6-7)
Upon his return to the Patriarchate’s headquarters in Damascus after cutting short his apostolic visit to India, His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II held an online meeting with their Eminences the Archbishops of the Syriac Orthodox Archdioceses in Syria and the Patriarchal Departments, on the evening of Thursday December 12, 2024, to discuss the latest developments and changes that our country Syria is currently experiencing. The meeting started with a prayer for Syria and for all its people. The Church Fathers then discussed the security situation in the country, and the results of the meetings of their Eminences the Archbishops in Damascus, Homs and Aleppo, as well as priests in various parishes, with the representatives of the leadership of the Syrian revolution, including politicians, military officials, clerics and others…
His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II celebrated the Holy Qurobo on the occasion of the 40 day memorial of the departure of the late lanmented Catholicos Mor Baselius Thomas I
On December 9, 2024, His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East and Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church, and Honorary President of the Middle East Council of Churches celebrated the Holy Qurobo at St. Athanasius Cathedral in the Patriarchal Center in Puthencruz, on the occasion of the 40 day memorial of the departure of the late lanmented Catholicos Mor Baselius Thomas I.
Meditation of His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa: 3rd Sunday of Advent, C
Lk 3:10-18
On this third Sunday of Advent, we are confronted with the figure of John the Baptist.
The passage from Luke's Gospel that we read today (Lk 3:10-18) describes to us not so much the character of the Baptist, but rather the movement that arises among the people when he begins to proclaim the Word of God that had come down to him in the desert (“The word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the wilderness” - Luke 3,2).
At the center of this episode is a question that appears three times: “What should we do?” (Lk 3:10,12,14).
John is asked this question by very different groups of people who lead different lives and whose styles are far removed from one another: there are crowds, there are tax collectors and there are soldiers who all ask the same question: What should we do?
His Holiness Pope Francis’ World Day of Peace message: ‘We are all in debt to God’
In his message for the 58th World Day of Peace marked on 1 January, His Holiness Pope Francis reflects on the central theme of the upcoming Jubilee of Hope and reiterates his pressing appeal for debt forgiveness, reminding us that we are all “debtors” to God and one another.
By Lisa Zengarini
Hope has been a constant theme in all of His Holiness Pope Francis’ World Day of Peace messages. This is all the more true in his message for the 58th World Day of Peace, which will be marked on 1 January 2025, as the Church begins the Jubilee of Hope amid an unprecedented combination of challenges facing the world today.
His Holiness Pope Francis entrusts Syria to the intercession of Mary
On the eve of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Pope prays for a solution in Syria that “responsibly promotes the stability and unity of the country.”
By Kielce Gussie
In the wake of an escalation of violence in Syria and the fall of the Assad regime, His Holiness Pope Francis said he follows “every day what is happening” in the country. During his weekly General Audience, he spoke of the “delicate moment” in the country’s history and prayed for peace and security for its people.
WCC expresses solidarity with churches and people of Syria
World Council of Churches General Secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay called for prayers and support for Syrians undergoing profound and unforeseen changes.
“In this time of mixed uncertainty and hope, the WCC calls all its member churches and ecumenical partners to join in prayer and Christian solidarity with the churches and people of Syria as they navigate their course through this transition,” Pillay said. “The Syrian people have endured more than a decade of war, displacement, and loss through the devastating armed conflict that followed the brutal suppression of peaceful protests in 2011.”
In the intervening years, Pillay noted, over 580,000 lives have been lost, 13 million Syrians have been displaced, and 154,000 individuals have faced arbitrary detention or enforced disappearance - including two Archbishops of Aleppo, Syriac Orthodox Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim and Greek Orthodox Archbishop Boulos Yazigi, who were kidnapped by gunmen in April 2013.