His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa in Beit Sahour: Praying for Peace on the Feast of the Assumption

On August 15, 2024, His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, presided over the Holy Mass in Beit Sahour to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption. The Mass was attended by Father Issa Hijazin, the Parish Priest, along with several Priests and Nuns, the Mayor of Beit Sahour, and a gathering of believers and scouts.

Celebration of the Feast of the Assumption

The celebration began with the Holy Mass led by His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, which was attended by many believers from various parts of Beit Sahour and the surrounding area. In his Homily, the Cardinal compared the first reading with the Gospel, noting that the first reading from the book of Revelation speaks of the seven-headed dragon symbolizing sin and evil, which confronts a woman carrying a child who brings salvation to the world. In the Gospel, this woman humbly accepts God's grace, which in turn gives us the Savior, Christ the Lord. She believed and lived the Word of God. She is not only the Virgin Mary, but today she also represents the Church, our community, who are called to faith in Almighty God and to live according to His teachings so that we may receive salvation.

Praying for Peace 

Amid the tense political situation in the Holy Land, His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa did not forget to dedicate part of the celebration to praying for peace. In this context, the Cardinal made a strong call to everyone to pray and work for peace, emphasizing the importance of dialogue, tolerance, and mutual understanding among all people. He also stressed that peace in the Holy Land requires collective efforts from all parties, and not just slogans. 

At the end of the Mass, all participants recited the prayer that the Cardinal requested be said on this day, in the name of the entire Church, and through the intercession of the Virgin Mother, for peace in the Holy Land…

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This news was originally published on the website of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Please click here to read the full text.


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