His Holiness Pope Francis: ‘We cannot imagine Iraq without Christians’
this news was shared from the website of Vatican News.
Pope Francis in Qaraqosh during his Apostolic Journey to Iraq in 2021 (Vatican Media)
His Holiness Pope Francis pens the preface to the book "The Christian Heritage in Iraq" by German journalist and theologian Matthias Kopp, spokesperson for the German Bishops' Conference (DBK) and consultor for the Dicastery for Communication. The book, published by Herder and currently available in German, traces the history of Christianity in Iraq, with a focus on Pope Francis' journey to the country in 2021 and the Holy See's diplomacy in the region.
By Pope Francis
I recall with gratitude my Apostolic Journey to Iraq, which I undertook in March 2021—despite the pandemic and security concerns—to express my affection and solidarity to Christians and to all people of goodwill in that country. They hold a constant and abiding place in my heart and prayers.
Despite the many challenges Iraq faces, I look at this country with hope, as it possesses extraordinary potential. This potential lies, above all, in the people of Iraq themselves—all those contributing to the reconstruction of civil society, promoting democracy in the country, and committing to a sincere and realistic dialogue between religions.
This is why my visit to the Grand Ayatollah of Najaf, Sayyid Ali Al-Sistani, was important and significant. That meeting was meant to be a message to the entire world: violence in the name of religion is an abuse of religion.
As religions, we have a duty to peace, and we must live, teach, and pass on this peace. In this context, I also think of my visit to Ur, in southern Iraq, where, as representatives of different religions, we spoke and prayed together—under the same stars that our father Abraham gazed upon thousands of years ago when he looked up to the heavens…
This news was published on the Vatican News website, click here to read more.