His Holiness Pope Francis: ‘Lebanon must remain a project for peace’

(VATICAN MEDIA Divisione Foto)

His Holiness Pope Francis meets a group of families of victims of the 2020 devastating explosion at the port of Beirut, expressing solidarity in their quest for truth and justice, and again invokes peace in the Middle East.

By Lisa Zengarini  

Greeting the 30-member delegation in the Consistory Hall on Monday,  His Holiness Pope Francis conveyed his closeness to the Lebanese families, saying that he continues to pray for them and shares in their grief. 

“I continue to keep you and your loved ones in my prayers, and I join my tears to your own.”

Truth and justice

The Beirut blast caused by the detonation of a massive quantity of highly explosive material that had been improperly stored in a warehouse at the city’s port, killed  over 200 people, injuring thousands, and causing extensive damage to buildings and infrastructure throughout the Lebanese capital.

The disaster highlighted issues of corruption, mismanagement, and negligence within the Lebanese government. Investigations into the incident revealed failures at multiple levels of government and port authorities, contributing to ongoing political and social turmoil in Lebanon.

In his address His Holiness Pope Francis expressed his support to the Lebanese families in their ongoing quest for truth and justice which, as he acknowledged, continues to be obstructed by “opposing powers and interests.”  “The Lebanese people, and you above all, have a right to words and actions that manifest responsibility and transparency,” he said.

This news was originally published on the website of Vatican News. Please click here to read the full text and listen to the report.


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