His Holiness Pope Francis to Rimini Meeting: Faith in Jesus is what is essential in life

File photo of His Holiness Pope Francis  (Vatican Media)

His Holiness Pope Francis sends a message to participants in the 2024 Rimini Meeting inviting them to become "beggars of the essential" by turning to Jesus Christ.

By Vatican News

His Holiness Pope Francis has sent a message to participants in the 2024 Meeting for Friendship Among Peoples, commonly known as the Rimini Meeting.

Each year, prominent politicians, entrepreneurs, representatives of religion and culture, intellectuals, artists, athletes, and others converge on the Italian city of Rimini for a cultural experience “driven by the desire to discover the beauty of reality”.

In his letter, signed by His Beatitude Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, His Holiness Pope Francis highlighted the theme for this year’s Meeting - “If we are not after the essential, what are we after?”

Quest for true meaning of life

The letter notes that “the search for what constitutes the core of the mystery of life and reality is of crucial importance” amid the challenges of the day, and offers encouragement  for “that endeavour to seek... that which brings forth the beauty of life.”

His Holiness Pope Francis urges participants to see, in the struggles of modern life, “a call to reflection” aimed at opening hearts for an encounter with God and fostering in every person an awareness of self, of neighbour, and of reality.

This, in turn, reveals that what is most important in life is not material goods or successes, but “that relationship that sustains us, rooting our journey in trust and hope"—that is, friendship with God, which is then reflected in our relationships with others.

What is most essential: faith in Jesus Christ

The letter recalls His Holiness Pope Francis' speech to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith earlier this year: “What is essential, most beautiful, most attractive, and at the same time most necessary for us is faith in Jesus Christ"…

This news was originally published on the website of Vatican News. Please click here to read the full text.


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