His Beatitude Patriarch John X From Saint Elias Monastery - Shouwaya

“We are proud of our children in Matn, Lebanon, the Levant, and the entire world; we are proud of them being pioneers in their societies”

July 21, 2024

His Beatitude Patriarch John X, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, and President of the Middle East Council of Churches for the Orthodox Family, emphasized the role of the members of the Antiochian Orthodox Church in all places and at various times. His Beatitude stressed the importance of the saying by Saint Elias, who is being celebrated: “The Lord lives” in the life of every person who feels the mercies of God, the Father of lights. His Beatitude Patriarch John X uttered these words at the end of the Sunday Divine Liturgy, which was celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Damaskinos (Mansour) of São Paulo and all of Brazil, in the Patriarchal Monastery of Saint Elias - Shouwaya, with the participation of His Eminence Bishop Ghattas (Hazeem), Metropolitan of Baghdad and Kuwait and their Dependencies and His Eminence Bishop Constantine (Kayal), Head of the Patriarchal Monastery Saint Elias - Shouwaya, and a group of clergymen. As well as, the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches Dr. Michel Abs attended the Divine Liturgy.

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, His Beatitude Patriarch John X gathered with the attendees in the monastery reception hall.

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This news was originally publsihed on the Facebook Page of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East.


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