His Holiness Pope Francis: ‘Don’t lose sight of the wisdom of the heart!’

His Holiness Pope Francis marks World Day of Social Communications inviting humanity to foster a genuinely humane communication.

File foto of the poster of a conference on AI organized by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences 

By Linda Bordoni

His Holiness Pope Francis on Sunday marked the 58th World Day of Social Communications reminding us, in a world increasingly permeated by artificial intelligence, to never lose sight of the “wisdom of the heart.”

Speaking during the Regina Caeli on Ascension Sunday, he said: “Only by recuperating a wisdom of the heart can we interpret the demands of our time and rediscover the path to fully human communication.”

His words echoed the Message he released for this occasion entitled “Artificial Intelligence and the Wisdom of the Heart: Towards a Fully Human Communication.”

And he did not forget to thank all those who work in the communications field for their work…

This report was originally published on the website of Vatican News. Please click here to read the full text.


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