His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa Visits The Parish Of Jubeiha

JUBEIHA - From Friday, February 23rd, until Sunday, February 25th, 2024, His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, spent three days with the Parishioners of Jubeiha, during which he learned more about the life of the parish and the area in general.

The visit began with the welcoming of His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa and the delegation accompanying him by Fr. Samer Madanat, Parish priest of Jubeiha, Fr. Giacomo Dainotti, assistant priest, Deacon Basel Brancy, the sisters of the Parish, as well as the Pastoral Council, heads of the Pastoral Activities, and the Scouts, at the entrance of the Church. He blessed the faithful with the Holy Water, before presiding over a Mass at the church of Saint Paul the Apostle.

“I come to you with a great desire and passion to learn more about the reality of the parish of Jubeiha,” said His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, in his Homily. “My main goal is to listen to your needs and to learn about the various pastoral activities that I always hear about so that I can bear witness to God’s work among you.” Commenting on the Gospel, he urged the parish to maintain the bonds of love between the family, saying: “God consecrated the family unit to reflect the image of His eternal love for humanity. Hence this love must always be present and apparent in your families. Despite the challenges, that may face the family unit, in our day and age, you must not forget the presence of God among you. That’s how you can overcome all challenges. Let us pray by asking God to protect the families of this parish so that you can be a source of light in your communities”.

Following the Mass, he visited the sick parishioners and gave them the sacrament of anointing the sick and Holy Communion. Then he has a meeting with the “Faith and Light” group, which cares for people with special needs. He learned about their different activities and initiatives and said to them: “You are truly filled with faith and light.”

This was followed by a meeting with the parishioners, where he gave a lecture on spiritual formation under the title “The New Jerusalem”. They discussed various scriptures, meditated on them, and he answered the different questions, which were raised. It is worth noting that the parishioners gather weekly around the Word of God…

This news was originally publsihed on the website of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Please click here to read the full text and listen to the audio.


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