The Central Committee of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East Organizes a Seminar on Armenian Evangelical Worship

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A special seminar on Armenian Evangelical worship was held on 20 January 2024, organized by the the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East (UAECNE)’s Central Committee, led by Reverend Nishan Bakalian. Over 70 participants gathered in the Hassessian Hall of the Armenian Evangelical Church of Nor Marash, Lebanon, for this one-day seminar, in order to examine the foundations of worship, its Armenian Evangelical expression and content, and the process of preparing a worship service. The participants, active workers in Armenian Evangelical churches and schools in Lebanon, also heard Armenian Evangelical Pastors relate their experiences on the day’s subject.

Reverend Bakalian gave special emphasis to the fundamental role of the personal spiritual life of the one preparing a worship service, in order to properly guide worshipers toward God. He also gave various definitions of “worship” as food for thought, such as “Telling the story of Jesus”.

Part of the seminar was dedicated to worship planning for different age groups…

This news was originally published on the Facebook Page of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East. Please click here to read the full text.


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