The Christian Youth Forum Continues its Activities on the Second Day at the Greek Orthodox Patriarchal Monastery of Saint George Al-Humaira in Syria
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Wadi Al-Nasara, Syria, September 22, 2023
For a second day, the Christian Youth Forum continued its activities at the Patriarchal Monastery Saint George Al-Humaira in Wadi Al-Nasara, under the auspices and with blessing of His Beatitude the Most Blessed and Most Reverend Patriarch John X, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, and MECC President for the Orthodox Family.
Since the morning hours, young men and women have been active in individual Biblical readings and spiritual conversations. These were a continuation of the lectures on the first day, when each young man and woman presented a summary of the studied topics: "The basics of the relationship with God."
During the interventions, the reverend priests stressed the necessity of living love through the Gospel and keeping away from sin to build a string relationship with God.
An enthusiastic sportive atmosphere characterized the second day of the Christian Youth Forum, which assembled more than eighty young men and women. Cheering and applause resounded, as the youth were further enriched with thought and knowledge. According to the organizers and participants, sports represent a social activity that brings young people closer; it becomes a symbol of love and encounter because it is a culture in itself.
The young men and women later divided into groups that studied and discussed spiritual topics of interest amid the current challenges. Then they participated in the Vespers Prayer that was held in Church of the Monastery…
This news was originally published on the Facebook Page of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East. Please click here to read the full text.