The Journey of the Holy Family

The journey began from Palestine to Egypt, through the plateaus and deserts, and not via one of the known routes (three roads at the time) because they were fleeing from Herod the King. They reached the borders of Egypt and made the following stops during their journey:

Below you can find a report about the Holy Family’s journey and entry into Egypt, which was published on the website of the Coptic Orthodox Church.

The journey began from Palestine to Egypt, through the plateaus and deserts, and not via one of the known routes (three roads at the time) because they were fleeing from Herod the King. They reached the borders of Egypt and made the following stops during their journey:

1- Al-Farma: The Holy Family traveled from Bethlehem to Gaza to the Zaraneeq reserve (Al-Felusiyat), 37 km west of Al-Arish, and entered Egypt through the northern side of the Al-Farma (Bloziom) located between the cities of Al-Arish and Port Said.

2- Tal Basta: The Holy Family entered the city of Tal Basta near the city of Zagazig in the Sharqia governorate. The people of the city mistreated them, so they left.

3- The Mahmah (now Mostorod): Its name was the Mahmah because it was a place of bathing, and in it the Virgin bathed Christ and washed his clothes, with a spring of water that is present until today.

4- Belbeis: ِ A place belonging to the Sharkia Governorate where the Holy Family took refuge at a tree known as the “Virgin Mary Tree”. The Holy Family also passed by Belbeis on their way back.

5- Monia Saman Wad (now Samanoud): The people received them well, Christ blessed them. There is a large granite slab and it is said that the Virgin kneaded with it, and a well of water that was blessed by the Lord himself.

6- Sakha: The most important archaeological site there now is Al-Maghatas Monastery.

7- Wadi El-Natrun: The family set out on their journey to Wadi El-Natrun, and crossed the Nile, through the Rosetta branch, and Christ and the Virgin blessed this place.

8- Matariya: The family crossed the Nile once again to go to Matareya and Ain Shams. There, they use a tree to protect themselves from the heat of the sun, and it is known to this day as the “Tree of Mary”, There also Christ raised a spring of water and drank from it, and the Virgin washed his clothes in it.

9- Coptic Cairo: There are many places  in the area that were visited by the Holy Family and later turned into churches, however, the family did not stay there for long.

10- Maadi (Memphis): They arrived in the Maadi area to travel to Upper Egypt across the Nile. It was called Maadi, because the Holy Family “passed by”, that is crossed from it, and the ladder the Holy Family used to go down to the Nile is still present.

11- Dir Al-Jarnous (Maghagha): There is a well where the Holy Family drank from, and it is still there until now.

12- Bahnasa: The Holy Family passed through a spot called Abai Issus (House of Jesus) to the east of Bahnasa, and its place is now the village of Sandafa – Bani Mazar. The current village of Bahnasa is located 17 km west of Bani Mazar in the Minya Governorate.

13- Samalout (Jabal Al-Tair):It is currently in Minya Governorate, where the Holy Family settled in the ancient cave in the church in Al-Tair Mountain.

14- Ashmonin: The Holy Family reached this place after crossing to the western side of the Nile and they blessed its people.

15- Dayrout: Is in Assiut governorate.

16- Qusqam (Al-Qusiya): Currently in the Assiut governorate, where the Muharraq Monastery is. There, the people drove the Holy Family away…

This news was originally published on the website of the Coptic Orthodox Church. Please click here to read the full text.


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