ܣܝܦܐ On the eve of 15th June 2023, the 108th anniversary of the Syriac Genocide #SAYFO1915 ܣܝܦܐ1915
we recall, remember and pray-God hear our prayers
The images here are of the SAYFO logo by the Patriarchate, SAYFO logo designed by Dr Touma Issa, the cover of the book by V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa & children, icon commissioned by H.H. Moran Mor Aphrem II, the SAYFO corner in 2015 at St.Ephraim Syrian Orthodox Church, Perth, Australia
Article by Dr Theodora ܬܐܘܕܘܪܐ Issa ܥܝܣܐ SFHEA, FAIM
Doctor of Philosophy in Management (Ethical Mindsets), Author, Academic, Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy at Advance HE, Fellow of Australian Institute of Management, Alumna of UWA, Murdoch, and Curtin Universities
Source: https://shorturl.at/buwKZ
Usually, huge commemorations and remembrance for anniversaries would be always saved for the anniversaries with rounded numbers such as 25, 50, 60, 75, and 100. However, for this specific sad event in the history of our beloved Church needs to be commemorated in an honorable manner always and more specifically on each anniversary as these events need to be glued not only to our minds and hearts, but to the minds and hearts of our new and future generations.
A table set at St. Ephraim Syrian Orthodox Church, Perth, Western Australia in commemoration of SAYFO1915.
Therefore, now in June 2023, on the eve of the 108th anniversary of the Syriac Genocide #SAYFO1915 and though those who gave their lives for their faith will never be away from our thoughts and prayers, and they will never be forgotten, but as we approach the day that has been designated by Our #Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch the #15JUNE we need to #recall, #remember, #reflect and #pray. Though this would be difficult but needs to be done.
The commemorations at St. Ephraim Syrian Orthodox Church, Perth in 2022 for SAYFO1915 107th anniversary.
Indeed, and in the same manner as we wrote back in 2017 in the preface to our book Readings in the 20th Century Genocide of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch (Sayfo) (Issa et al., 2017) it is not easy to #stop, #write and #reflect on such #sad events, that took place for more than one hundred years, it is extremely more difficult as we continue to witness similar actions of persecution, uprooting, occupation and destruction of properties, churches and monasteries in the same region, where the original SAYFO1915 took place.
The cover of the book of SAYFO1915 by V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa and four of his children Theodora, Touma, Tomayess and Theodore https://novapublishers.com/shop/readings-in-the-20th-century-genocide-of-the-syriac-orthodox-church-of-antioch-sayfo/
Add to this the ongoing persecution throughout the secular world and the unrelenting media campaigns against the holy church around the world.
The alter with SAYFO1915 logo for ongoing prayers.
Though it is difficult, we need to #recall to assist our new and future generations to understand the great gift given to them by their ancestors. Indeed, need to teach them about those sacrifices.
An example can be drawn from St. Ephraim Syrian Orthodox Church, in Perth, where each year commemorations are being held, prayers are being led for the repose of the souls of the martyrs, also online sessions were held to learn more about the sad events of 1915, insisting to take lessons and learn how we can ensure that our children and grandchildren are aware of the great faith and love of their ancestors to their holy church.
An image of part of the Sunday School (Online) session on SAYFO1915 in 2022.
Indeed we need this SAYFO1915 to be recognized, and in our book on Syriac SAYFO1915, (Issa et al., 2017), we shared with our readers some parts of what was issued on behalf of the Patriarchate of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch to the World Council of Churches. Here we tried to explain what was meant by Genocide – SAYFO/SEPA/SWORD 1915 leading to a brief discussion about the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century, which took us to the methods of starvation adopted against the Syriac/Aramaic people by the Ottomans, highlighting the pains of our deprived nation, supported this with witnesses accounts not only from SAYFO1915 (Genocide), but from the uprooting of the people from the villages in the Northern parts of Iraq in June and August 2014.
This is the first page of the submission to the World Council of Churches in 2014.
Further in our book (Issa et al., 2017) and under the title ‘a brief reflection on SAYFO/SEPA/SWORD martyrs’, in which we brought some names and events that provided evidence of what took place in 1915. From these martyrs we briefly discussed the martyrdom of Mor Antemus Yacob, V. Rev. Fr. Stephanos, the Patriarchal vicar of Nisbis, V. Rev. Fr. Awgen (Eugene) the abbot of Mor Koryakos Monastery, Mor Athanasius Danho, Rev. Fr. Behnam and his cousin Rev. Fr. Boulos, Rev. Aphrem, the Patriarchal Vicar in Midyat, the priest of “Kafro Elayto” village (the upper village), the priests of Qellath, Gabrielle the Priest, Rev. Fr. Abrohom the priest of s’ert, Rev. Fr. Touma of the village of Jaroukiyeh, the monks and the inhabitants of Mor Gabriel Monastery, Rev. Fr. Daoud (David), the Priest of Sa’deyeh village, the pious Elder Monk Joseph (Yousef) and the Fasting (Virgin) Nun Zaroh, Rev. Fr. Sleebo of Kafarzo, the Two Monks Rev. Frs. Abdallah and Aphrem, and the Priest Fr. Shamoun, and some news of the martyrs (1903-1983), and some more. May their souls be reposed.
Displays throughout 2015 at St. Ephraim Syrian Orthodox Church on the centenery of SAYFO1915.
Also, in our book (Issa et al., 2017) we indicated that the #SAYFO1915 (SAYFO/SEPA/SWORD) is still ongoing in the 21st century, we provided a very brief idea about what is currently happening in the region.
The atrocities that continue as the Holy Syriac Orthodox Church posed to remember the martyrs of one hundred years ago, consecrating monuments around the world, simultaneously burying more of her martyrs and losing more of her monasteries and churches.
The majority of her children, who survived the atrocities, are now scattered around the world away from their ancestor’s homeland, seeking better life, but in some cases they will also be faced with the other type of persecution from the different methods that are overtaking the society worldwide. May God have mercy.
Verse from the Book of Psalm
It is with great sadness that we should stop, recall, reflect, record the events of SAYFO1915 difficult days, yet we always take refuge in prayer.
More of the displays in 2015 at St. Ephraim Syrian Orthodox Church, Perth, Western Australia
Indeed, we are always strengthened with prayers and the wisdom from the Holy Bible, as our ancestors were throughout supported by the wisdom from the Holy Bible including St. Paul’s saying in his Epistle to the Romans when he said:
From St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans
Events are taking place around the world to mark this 108th anniversary. Divine Liturgies will be held, lectures will be conveyed, exhibitions, articles will be written, marches with candles will be done. All with prayers for the repose of the souls of the martyrs. Saying we #forgive but we will not #forget.
Let us pray The Lord's prayer that was taught to us in Aramaic
As we concluded in our book (Issa et al., 2017) we conclude here, by seeking the repose for the souls of the martyrs of the 1915 Genocide SAYFO/SEPA/SWORD ܣܝܦܐ 1915 and to all those who continue to suffer at this time and age in the 21st century, if not through joining the martyrs, but in the discrimination and persecution that they suffer in various parts of the world, for the simple reason that they want to safe-guard their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and their church’s dogma.
May God have mercy.
Prayers held at St. Ephraim Syrian Orthodox Church in Perth, Western Australia for SAYFO1915.
We continue to pray.
Thank you!
Theodora Issa
Issa, Boutros Touma, Theodora Issa, Theodora Issa, and Tomayess Issa. Readings in the 20th century genocide of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch (Sayfo). Nova Science Publishers, 2017. https://novapublishers.com/shop/readings-in-the-20th-century-genocide-of-the-syriac-orthodox-church-of-antioch-sayfo/
The weekly bulletin by Fr. Boutros Touma Issa http://www.noohro.cjb.net/
SAYFO1915 images from the Patriarchate https://www.facebook.com/MorIgnatiusAphremII/
The submission to the World Council of Churches by members of the Issa Family.
The Issa Family archives.
The St. Ephraim Syrian Orthodox Church, Perth, Australia images.
The 105th anniversary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLxNSz6DyVM
Noohro YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@noohronoohro5583/videos