The Holy See Of Cilicia Supports the Position of the National Assembly of the Republic of Artsakh and Rejects All Attempts to Consider Artsakh An Integral Part of the Territory of Azerbaijan

The Holy See of Cilicia, along with the prelacies as well as the community leadership and affiliated structures throughout the world, expresses its full agreement with the statement issued by the National Assembly of the Republic of Artsakh, rejecting any approach that would consider the Republic of Artsakh as an integral part of the territory of Azerbaijan, in this particular case by the prime minister and the government of the Republic of Armenia.

Indeed, Artsakh has expressed its collective will for self-rule in a popular referendum on December 10, 1991, and the Supreme Council of the Republic of Armenia reaffirmed the sovereignty of Artsakh on July 8, 1992.

According to international law, people have the right to self-determination. Hence, the self-determination right of the people of Artsakh cannot be sacrificed to the establishment of a comprehensive peace in the region and to the attempts to have it recognized as an integral part of Azerbaijan.

We have to be alert, far-sighted and, especially, united. With Artsakh as an integral part of Azerbaijan, not only the security of the people of Artsakh will be in peril, but also the sovereignty and the security of Armenia. In the present critical stage of our history, we call on our people to come together and support Artsakh.


Antelias, May 23, 2023

This statement was originally published on the website of the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia, Antelias, Lebanon.


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