The Armenian Evangelical Educational Council of Lebanon, Under the Auspices of the Central Committee of UAECNE Honores its Veteran Teachers

Who Have Completed 25 Years or More of Service in Armenian Evangelical schools

Upholding a decades-old tradition, the Armenian Evangelical Educational Council of Lebanon, under the auspices of the Central Committee of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East (UAECNE) honored its veteran teachers who have completed 25 years or more of service in Armenian Evangelical schools. The program took place on the evening of 12 March 2023 in Beirut’s First Armenian Evangelical Church.

The Chair of the Educational Council, Dr. Arda Ekmekji greeted the audience, after which the church’s pastor, the Reverend Jirair Ghazarian, read a passage from the Bible and offered a prayer. Mrs. Sossi Balian, a member of the Educational Council, presented the guest speaker of the day, Mr. Garo Hovhannesian.

Mr. Hovhannesian expressed his admiration for Armenian Evangelical educational institutions, and particularly for the educational mission of the church. Noting the necessity of love for the difficult calling of teaching, he stressed the teacher’s essential role in training the Armenian person and strengthening the Armenian nation. In today’s world this calling requires “an ocean’s worth of patience and endurance”.

Reverend Dr. Paul Haidostian, the Chair of the UAECNE’s Central Committee and Acting UAECNE President, and President of Haigazian University in Lebanon, in presenting a word on behalf of the Union emphasized the necessity of Christian training, and called every individual involved in any form of teaching to continue this sacred mission, and in that way “guide everyone who is born … to grow with a spirit shaped by God”.

The honorees were: Mrs. Ani (Jigerian) Tavitian, Mrs. Esther (Haidostian) Kilaghbian (in absentia), Mrs. Lucy (Bekerejian) Hallajian, Mr. Hanna Bchara, Mrs. Maral (Keshishian) Avedisian, Mrs. Mari (Tumberian) Keofteian, Mrs. Na’amat (A’araji) El-Khatib, Mrs. sona (Kasabian) Moughalian, and Miss Vartoug Balekjian. Mrs. Ani Tavitian (in Armenian) and Mr. Hanna Bchara (in Arabic) presented statements of gratitude on behalf of the teachers…

This news was originally published on the website of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East. Please click here to read the full text.


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