Visit of the Delegation of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East to the Antiochian Parishes in Turkey

Fourth Day - Antioch - Tokaçlı - Sarılar

With a heart full of sorrow, and with great emotionality, the delegation of the Greek orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East began this Friday February 17, 2023 with a visit to Antioch. The delegation members were accompanied by the reverend, Father Pavlus Orduluoglu, and the president of the City’s organization, Mr. Fadi Hurigil.

The delegation witnessed, with their own eyes, the destruction that occurred as a result of the devastating earthquake, and in particular, the Church of Saints Peter and Paul, which was completely destroyed along with all the endowments around it.

Right there,

In front of the church where the historical throne of Saint Peter the Apostle is located,

as well as the spiritual and historical legacy of the great city of God Antioch,

Words faltered to describe the horror of the great affliction.

and with prayer, full all hope;

and with throats, trembling with pain;

They raised their hearts to God the Most High to preserve His holy Church, the Church of the Great City of God, Antioch, so that She would return to her splendor and beautiful buildings of stone and human beings; a glorious church without blemish or wrinkle.


From Antioch, the delegation members set out for the town of Tokaçlı, where they were received by the parish priest, Reverend fathers Musa Pappas and Michael Pappas, along with the president of the town’s organization, Mr. Michel Shakhbaz, and the people of the town. They witnessed the destruction of the Church of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Her shrine outside the town, along with the damaged houses.

Then their Eminences, Bishops Constantine Kayal and Arsenios Dahdal held the Trisagion prayer for the repose of the souls of the departed.


After that, the patriarchal delegation went to the town of Sarılar, where they were received by the parish priest, the Reverend Fathers Yuhanna Papasoglu and Gabriel Qushoglu, and the head of its organization, Mr.

Munir Munir Balcıoğlu, in the presence of Reverend Father Nikola Papasoglu and the faithful people. They visited the damaged church of St. George, his shrine, the chapel, and several families living in tents as a result of the earthquake. Then they met the youth of religious education, and they had a spiritual talk comforting and strengthening their souls and urging them to stay in their homes.

Before concluding the meeting with the Trisagion prayer for the repose of the souls of the departed. The delegation conveyed to the people the blessing of His Beatitude Patriarch John X, His fatherly love, and His supplications.

They concluded their visit to our parishes in Antioch with their hearts, along with ours, all saying unanimously:

O Antioch, the glory of the Apostles!

O Antioch, Mother of Churches;

O City of God;

If the stones of your foundations are shaken,

The foundations of the faith of your people shall never be shaken,

In thee, Christians were first called

Yes! Antioch will not die;

Antioch will rise;

This is the faith of your people.

This news was originally published on the Facebook Page of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East.


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